Period: 500 BCE to
Letters: the first social media
The first known social media was the letter, thought to originated around 500BC, it was given hand by hand until it got to its destination. The letter began to be delivered faster as transport evolved into horse carriages. -
The telegraph is made!
In 1792 the telegraph was made which allowed messages to be delivered over a longer distance far faster than a horse or human could. Although they were short, they were a revolutionary way to send messages to one another. -
Underground air tubes: the pneumatic post
A new way of delivering letters was discovered, by creating underground air tubes that would act like a vacuum to get to its destination. -
The telephone o' hoy hoy-ing since 1890
In 1890 the telephone, said to be made by Alexander Graham Bell, was invented. The world now had a way of communicating with their voice through a long distance. -
The radio: the first way of talking about sad news- to everyone!
Just a year after the telephone was created in 1890, the radio was invented by Guillermo Marconi; an Italian inventor. This revolutionized the news companies after they used it as to broadcast stories. -
The super computer!
During the 20th century technology began to change rapidly. in the 1940s the first super computers were made and engineers tried to find a way to create networks between them. This would later lead to the birth of the internet. -
Period: to
The birth of the internet
The earliest form of the internet were developed in the 1960s. Basic forms of email were also developed during this time. By the 1970s networking technology had improved further so much so that by 1979 it allowed users to communicate through it. This is the start of modern social media. -
Period: to
Internet Relay Chats: an older version of the online chat room
By the 1980s, home computers were becoming more common and social media was getting better. Internet relay chats, IRC, were first used in 1988 and continued to be popular well into the 1990s. -
Online Social Media - the birth of flame wars
The first social media site, six degrees, was created in 1997. It enabled users to create a profile and befriend other users. In 1999, the first blogging sites became popular, creating an online social media that's still popular today and will be in the foreseeable future.