The beginning of social media
Samuel Morse sent the first electric telegraph in 1838 -
MUD Servers
MUD Servers were created by a student in England to allow people to join a fantasy-based game from their home computers in 1978. The conversations surrounding the game turned into general conversation evolving into chat rooms in the 1990's. -
AOL was the prime force in the 1990's for chat rooms, e-mails, web browsers, and more. -
Yahoo, created in 1994, was the most used site for news and information at its peak. -
Google was created in 1998 and is now the most used search engine in the world. -
Blogging became popular in 1999, introduced by Blogger. -
Friendster, introduced in 2002 was created to connect the public with old friends and help them find new ones as well. -
LinkedIn was created in 2003 as a way for the public to network for business purposes and within the corporate world -
MySpace was presented in 2003. It would become more popular than Friendster and increase in popularity for several years to come, peaking in 2005. -
Facebook was created in 2006 to college students. It would eventually evolve into a network mainly used by older crowds a decade later. -
Youtube was created in 2005. It allowed user to post videos, access others videos, and listen to music. This site in result generated income for tons of users through their creation of makeup videos, music videos, how to's, etc. -
Twitter was introduced in 2006 as a way for user to create "tweets" but restricting them to only 140 characters. -
Instagram was created as a way for users to post pictures, somewhat blog, and allow the public access to view their life events through photos.