The History of RADIO

  • The beginning...

    The beginning...
    Heinrich Hertz proved you could transmit and receive electric waves wirelessly.
    Experimented in the 1880’s with sending transmission
    The basis of how radio works - he didn’t think it meant much
  • Marconi Era

    Marconi Era
    Marconi send the first wireless communication over open sea in 1887. It went over the Bristol Channel in Wales at a distance of 6km (about 4 miles) *The morse code message read “are you ready” *The next transmission went 16km (10 miles)
  • The AUDION tube

    The AUDION tube
    Invented in 1906 - it is essentially the very first amplifier to help push waves further and further by providing power to the signal
  • The FIRST Radio Station

    The FIRST Radio Station
    KDKA (1020) in Pittsburgh becomes the very first radio station in the US in 1920 - still in operation today
  • The Golden Era

    The Golden Era
    Golden Age of American radio, period lasting roughly from 1930 through the 1940s, when the medium of commercial broadcast radio grew into the fabric of daily life in the United States
  • Video Takes Over Radio

    Video Takes Over Radio
    The invention and explosion of TV caused radio to lose audiences and advertising money, so program directors shaped radio into what it is today...MUSIC!!!!
    *People could only get music in a few places and radio stations playing it during the day allowed people to listen to it without having to pay complete attention