Nikola Tesla wirelessly transmitted electromagnetic energy. He made the first public demonstration of radio in St. Louis in 1893.
Guglielmo Marconi filed for patent protection of his radio apparatus. He established the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company in 1897.
First transAtlantic signal sent-by Marconi from Ireland to Canada.
Amateur (today known as “ham”) radio introduced to the U.S. via a Scientific American article on “How to Construct an Efficient Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus at Small Cost.”
Reginald Fessenden is the 1st to transmit a program of speech and music.
First radio transmission from an airplane.
All U.S. radio stations not needed by the government are closed as WWI begins.
The first on-air advertisement was carried by a New York station
The first permanent national network, NBC, was formed. CBS followed a year later.
The Federal Radio Commission established to bring order to chaotic airwaves.
FDR broadcast the first of his 30 “fireside chats”
CBS Radio broadcasts H.G. Wells' classic The War of the Worlds.
Cellular radio telephony, with call handoff and frequency reuse, was conceived at Bell Laboratories
Texas Instruments produces the first commercial transistor radio, launching the portable electronic age.
XM Radio