

  • Period: to

    History of photography

  • First photograph

    First photograph
    It was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, in 8h exposure time.
  • The first daguerrotype

    The first daguerrotype
    The daguerrotype was created by Daguerre.
  • Short exposure time

    Short exposure time
    Niepce and Daguerre improved the short exposure time (30 minutes).
  • Callotype was inventd

    Callotype was inventd
    It was invented by Alphonse Poitevin.
  • Mobile darkroom

    Mobile darkroom
  • The first permanent color photo

    The first permanent color photo
    It was taken by Thomas Sutton.
  • Photographic film was invented.

    Photographic film was invented.
    It was invented by G.Eastman and Kodak
  • 35mm camera was invented

    35mm camera was invented
    The 35mm camera was invented by Oskar Barnack.
  • Flash bulb

    Flash bulb
    The modern flash bulb was invented.
  • Kodachrome film

    Kodachrome film
    The Kodachrome film was released.
  • Polaroid Camera

    Polaroid Camera
    This camera can develop photographs at the moment.
  • Digital camera

    Digital camera
    The digital camera was designed.
  • FIrst mobile phone with camera.

    FIrst mobile phone with camera.
    It was invented by Sharp and it was called J-Phone.