
The History of North Caolina

By Neo Zhu
  • Period: Mar 1, 1520 to

    Norh Carolina History

  • Mar 1, 1524

    The first ship arrives at NC

    The first ship arrives at NC
    The first ship arrives at the coast of North Carolina. This ship is a French ship.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh goes to North Carolina

    Sir Walter Raleigh travels to North Carolina. Coming with him are at least 100 people wanting to live in North Carolina.
  • The Lost Colony

    The first Englih settlement is found missing.
  • Larsen's Journey

    Larsen's Journey
    Larsen makes a journey circling North Carolina. Then he goes back to England and writes a book about his journey. Sadly, when he comes back to North Carolina tuscarora indians kill him.
  • The Tuscarora war begins.

    The Tuscarora war begins.
    The one year long Tuscarora War begins
  • The Barnwell Expedition

    The Barnwell Expedition
  • The Moor Expedition

    The Moor Expedition
  • The end of the Tuscarora War

    The end of the Tuscarora War
    The end of the Tuscarora War. The Tuscarora Indians lose and abandon their tribe.