- I was born in the year two thousand, on the fifth of March.
- On this date I learned to walk.
First year
- I was one year old.
Learning to talk
- For these moments I had already developed my speech.
Admission to the garden
- Enter my little garden in the municipality of Puerto Salgar.
I left the garden
- I finished my stage in the garden.
primary school
- I started to take the preschool degree at the Policarpa Salavarrieta school.
beginning of high school
- In this year, I left elementary school and started high school with sixth grade in the same school.
start of technical studies and tenth grade
- For this date I was studying the tenth grade, in which I started an event organization technician.
- Here I graduated from the baccalaureate and the technician.
SENA study
- In this year I started to study in the SENA the ADSI technology.
I'll finish the school stage
- On this date I will finish the studies of the ADSI technologist.
start stage practice
- For this date I will be beginning the practices.
SENA graduation
- Here I have finished doing the practices.
- I have in mind to make process of incorporation to the National Navy.