http://www.earlycinema.com/technology/praxinoscope.htmlThe praxinoscope was one of the earliest versions of film. It was created by Emile Reynaud, who was french. The praxinoscope was a spinning drum, with a center and a ring around it. There were painted pictures stuck to the inner side of the ring which spun. cont. -
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The pictures would reflect on the mirrors stuck to the center of the drum and could be seen as if the thing in the picture was moving. Soon afterword Reynaud improved this invention by making the pictures "transparent" which meant they were clear enough to shine light through them. when the light shone through it would bounce of a mirror and onto a screen enabling it to be seen as a projector. Thuus he called it the "Projecting praxinoscope." -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKJIq2GhjUM&list=PLtwyxLChghCtaBbTb2o3JOjTb5HF3UtL-&index=10The zoopraxiscope was one of the very first discs to be used in motion picture. It was invented by Eadweard James Muybridge. The zoopraxiscope was a disc with pictures lining the edges. When spun quickly on a turntable or something like it the objects in the pictures would apear to move. Over the years he created many other better versions of the zoopraxiscope. -
http://www.kodak.com/ek/US/en/Our_Company/History_of_Kodak/Milestones_-_chronology/1878-1929.htmThe kodak camera was the first camera that was easy to use for everyone. It was created by George Eastman. It looked like a simple wooden box. It used flexible rollfilm which you could insert yourself. Their famous slogan was "You press the button, we do the rest." -
http://www.earlycinema.com/technology/mutoscope.html The mutoscope was a big breakthrough in motion picture history. It was invented by Henry Norton and Herman Casler. Pictures were set up liike a flip book and placed around a drum. The drum was connected to a handle. The drum was placed inside a viewing box which had a slot at the top for the viewer to look into. Unlike previous inventions, the mutoscope allowed cont. -
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http://www.earlycinema.com/technology/mutoscope.htmlthe viewer to control the speed of the pictures. Also by turning the handle backwards you could make the pictures reverse as well. -
http://www.earlycinema.com/technology/cinematographe.html The cinematographe was invented by Louis and August Lumiere. It put together a motion capturing camera, a printer and a projector. It looked similar to a handheld camera of that era. It was lightweight so it was transportable. -
http://www.earlycinema.com/technology/vitascope.html The vitascope was invented by Charles Francis Jenkins and Thomas Armat. It was one of the earliest versions of the projector. It was basically a version of the phantoscope, but it projected. The phantoscope made a series of photographs which were able to be viewed as a movie. The vitascope took these pictures and made them viewable on a screen. -
latham loop
https://storify.com/arealcasanova/the-latham-loop-and-the-evolution-of-long-takes Because back in 1895 films were made with film strips, in order to make a long film you would need to make a very long film strip. Untill the Latham Loop was invented there was nothing to play it on that could take film rolls meant for films longer than 3 minutes. When the Latham Loop was invented it allowed cont. -
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much longer films to be made. The Latham Loop was spacy so larger rolls could fit inside. -
http://www.earlycinema.com/technology/kinetoscope.html The kinetoscope was invented by W.K.L Dickson and Thomas Edison. Edison had an idea of creating something like "...an instrument which does for the eye what the phonograph has done for the ear, which is the recording and reprodunction of things in motion..." The kinetoscope had an electric motor. It looked like a cabinet with a hole at the top covered cont. -
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with a magnifying glass. Film spun around inside. They were able to project the images by shining a light through the pictures. -
nickolodeon opens
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-nickelodeon-opens Nickelodeon was created by Harry Davis. The first Nickelodeon was named because in that day you could go in and watch a show for a nickel. Its one of the first big, succesful theatres. It would show live vaudeville shows, but also short films. -
first Hollywood film studio opens
http://millenniumhollywood.net/2012/12/03/the-first-of-the-hollywood-studios/ The first Hollywood film studio was opened by the Nestor Motion Picture Company. At first the film studio would only play three films every week. They would play one western, one drama, and one Mutt and Jeff serial. Soon after many other film studios opened in Hollywood. This opening truly sparked the modern movie era.