
the history of Indigo

  • The history of Indigo

    The history of Indigo
    IndiGo was founded in 2006 as a private company by Rahul Bhatia of InterGlobe Enterprises and Rakesh Gangwal. InterGlobe had a 51.12% stake in IndiGo and 47.88% was held by Gangwal's Virginia-based company Caelum Investments. IndiGo placed a firm order for 100 Airbus A320-200 aircraft in June 2005 with plans to begin operations in mid-2006. IndiGo took delivery of its first aircraft on 28 July 2006
  • Indigo was founded in 2005

    Indigo was founded in  2005
    The airline Indigo was founded in 8th August 2005 by Rakesh Gangwal (co-founder) Rahul Bhatia (co-founder)
  • Indigo's first routes

    Indigo's first routes
    indigo's first routes were Dehli to Imphal via Guwahati
  • Indigo took delivery of its first aircraft

    Indigo took delivery of its first aircraft
    indigo took delivery of their first airplane july 2006
  • Commenced operations 4 August 2006

    Commenced operations	4 August 2006
    after getting their first airplane indigo commenced operations
  • Period: to

    The Indigo Story from 2007-2010

    During this 3 year time span the airline expanded and grew at a rapid rate. There fleet (number of airplanes ) and they hire more staff and open up to the world cause they get more routes to fly on. They reach the number 3 spot and then the number 2 spot with a high passenger market share .
  • Indigo's first international flight

    Indigo's first international flight
    Indigo's first international flight flew from new Delhi to Dubai on
    1 September 2011.
  • In February 2012, IndiGo took delivery of its 50th aircraft

    In February 2012, IndiGo took delivery of its 50th aircraft
    In February 2012, IndiGo took delivery of its 50th aircraft, less than six years after it began operations.
  • March 2012, IndiGo was the most profitable airline in India and became the second largest airline in India

     March 2012, IndiGo was the most profitable airline in India and became the second largest airline in India
    ending March 2012, IndiGo was the most profitable airline in India and became the second largest airline in India in terms of passenger market share.
  • IndiGo became the largest airline in India in terms of market share surpassing Jet Airways

     IndiGo became the largest airline in India in terms of market share surpassing Jet Airways
    On 17 August 2012, IndiGo became the largest airline in India in terms of market share surpassing Jet Airways, six years after commencing operations.
  • Indigo's award

    Indigo's award
    In January 2013, IndiGo was the second-fastest-growing low-cost carrier in Asia behind Indonesian airline Lion Air.
  • fuel starts getting more expensive

    fuel starts getting more expensive
    jet fuel starts getting more expensive causing massive losses
  • Period: to

    what happens with Indigo during the quiet times

    indigo reaches and creates new mildstones like new airplanes routes and personal
  • ATR

    Indigo took delivery of their first ATR plane in late 2017
    model name ATR 72-600
  • Indigo's rivial

    Indigo's rivial
    Spicejet introduced business class on newer airplane causing a market share drop on Indigos end
  • Losses

    indigo makes its first and only losses
  • 250

    in late 2019 indigo reached 250 aircraft creating a new mild stone in indian aviation
  • Indigo gets largest operater award

    Indigo gets largest operater award
    Indigo gets largest operater award for operating the most airplane from the Airbus A320 family
  • Period: to

    Covid 19

    Indigo was tasked to do many evacuation flights in India