Horror movies reviews


  • Period: to

    history and developement of horror movies

  • devils castle (1896) firsy horror movie

    devils castle (1896) firsy horror movie
    <a href='http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBArxsdF2rs' > this is the entire movie! Devils castle was the first ever horror movie to be made ever, the entire film lasted only 3 minutes, but was seen to be extremely impressive for thier time. created by 'Georges Melies'
  • George Albert Smith-first 'special photographic methods'

    George Albert Smith-first 'special photographic methods'
    he was the first man to use special effects in his short movies. his methods alowed ghosts to be appearing on the screen which was a big step for the movie industry and started a whole range of different developements. (1864-1959)
  • Marry Shelly's Frankenstien is made

    this was the first frankenstien, which was slightly longer then the previouse short movies, and was now using more different types of camara work and editing. this film was a true inspiration for more movie developers.
  • Nosferatu, directed by F.C manau

    Nosferatu, directed by F.C manau
    leading on from dracula, this film used the idea of a vampire once again, but this wasnt very succcessful which put many movie producers of the idea of producing 'vampire themes' horror movies.
  • Rem-make of dracula and frankenstien with high technology

    Rem-make of dracula and frankenstien with high technology
    The movie industry was picking up fast pace, and beggining to make longer movies, which led to the remake of dracula, directed by 'Tod Browning' and frankenstien produced by 'james whale'. these movies both had trailers which was a big step in the horror movies.
  • Doctor X 1932

    the first ever, horror movie in full colour. this was the breakthrough for not just horros but the movie industry itself, for films to be made in colour was a big thing, so this film achieved its maximum potential for its time.
  • Creature features!

    Creature features!
    new types of special effects were being introduced in horror movies, the effect of using sereal characters such as monsters and creatures. these sorts of special effects worked very well in king kong and godzilla, which was another big step for horror movies, as they were very limited before
  • B-picture dominece over horror 1910 onwards.

    B-picture completely dominated the Horror movie genre, and some say that this movie institution completely saved horror genre.
  • high advance in technology and methods.

    The 1950s saw a number of technical innovations in the cinema; CinemaScope, Cinerama, Stereophonic sound, 3-D and even Smell-O-Vision, all designed to lure the audience away from their TV sets. an example of one of these movies is 'house on the haunted hill'
  • Night of the living dead

    Night of the living dead
    $114,000 and six months later they had produced Night of the Living Dead, an incredibly influential horror film.this film nonetheless contained some tight performances, excellent make-up and special effects, and yes, those genuinely terrifying moments. this film was another big developement for the horror movie genre.
  • The Exorcist

    The Exorcist has been voted 'the scariest movie of all time' incredible lighting, camara work sound and amazing use of editing was done to make this film another huge breakthrough for the genre of horror movies. this film was 'banned' from video release untill 1999 because of how outragouse the BFI thought of it.
  • Big developement decade for horror movies

    this decade was a big step, now nearly all movies was being created in colour, technology was developing and diffferent techniques was being mastered to make movies as effective as possible, and example of this was the movie 'the shining'
  • Alian

    digital media was being used, meaning the films could be displayed in a much clearly and better way, which also allowed more editing to be used. this was used in 'Alien'. the digital media allowed the film to have better resolution, better graphics and editing methods to make the film very realistic.
  • A nightmare on elm street. (an independent film company)

    A nightmare on elm street. (an independent film company)
    Wes Craven, the former college professor responsible for two of the darkest and most deranged movies of the 1970s (Last House on The Left and The Hills Have Eyes) unveiled a brash, commercial franchise in 1984: A Nightmare on Elm Street. this was another horror movies that is remembered as one of the scariest of all time.
  • Devlopement in the 90s!

    Devlopement in the 90s!
    by this point digitial media was dominated movies, high definition movies could be produced efficiently and cheaply which was good for independed movie companies such 'fredy cruger franchise'

    Scream is a 1996 American slasher film written by Kevin Williamson and directed by Wes Craven. Wes cavern was creating some of the best horror movies over the last couple of decades, and his team used an effective way of creating horror movies. movies such as this have inspired many new horror movie institutions.
  • 2000's developement and perseption on horror

    2000's developement and perseption on horror
    many commentators have identified the true beginning of the 21st century as September 11th, 2001. The events of that day changed global perceptions of what is frightening, and set the cultural agenda for the following years. The film industry, already facing a recession, felt very hard hit as film-makers struggled to come to terms with what was now acceptable to the viewing public.
  • 28 days later

    28 days later
    Rapidly emerging as the classic horror movie of the early 2000s, 28 Days Later is a low budget, digitally shot entry into the zombie apocalypse sub-genre. Debate still swirls as to whether or not the zombies really count as a horror. but this was a developement as the idea of the 'undead' is a creative and scary feature which has been used in horror for decades.

    sinister by the creaters of insidiouse and paranormal activity, whichwas two very successful horros of the 2000's. the independent company was struggleing, sinister was one that brought the film back into business, with an tryoical serial killer plot, with supernatural effects and hand help camara to create realisticism.