
The History of Handama

By sxj5145
  • Handama discovered

    Handama discovered
    Handama was discovered by Haha Nomal in 1704.
    Nomal was sailing the seas for just the joy of it, until se saw land.
    Sadly, Nomal landed on the East side of the land and did not see the lands plentiful #1 resouce.
  • People migrate to Handama

    People migrate to Handama
    People migrate from Australia and Africa to Handama.Later, people come from around the world.
    Then they settle down in different areas, mostly in the East of Handama,and they make little towns.
  • The begining of fishing and The 1st Fish Feast

    The begining of fishing and The 1st Fish Feast
    When the people first came to Handama, they needed a food source to live. So people mostly in Riba and Ganghan went fishing and soon all the other towns had fish. Also, on this day, all of Handama had their stomaches filled with fish. This was the first fish feast in Handama history.
  • Coal discovered

    Coal discovered
    Jonal Halop, a person that lives in Chan, went East to look for a source of warmth for December. Luck struck when he found coal. So they spent a warm and cozy winter.
  • Uranium discovered

    Uranium discovered
    One of Haha Nomal's desendents,Haop Nomal, have ventured beyond the mountains and have found uranium. They soon could get electricity from it.
  • Oil discovered

    Oil discovered
    Kacal Enbell, a person that lived in Dehanka, went East and struck oil.
  • The 15 towns become a nation

    The 15 towns become a nation
    After alot of cooperation, the 15 towns decided to become a nation. Also they became a democratic party. This intensified Handama.
  • The Flag of Handama

    The Flag of Handama
    The flag of Handama was made!
    (I designed it and made it)
  • Hanja, the captiol

    Hanja, the captiol
    A few months later, Handama declared Hanja to be the capitol.
    This was because it was not too close to the shore, and it was shielded by the forest and the plain.
  • Glowhan, Land of gold discovered

    Glowhan, Land of gold discovered
    Atthan's fishermen were out fishing when they saw land.They had never seen a land like this before, so they told the capital of what they had seen. The capital went to investigate. They soon found out that it was a land of gold. They were thrilled.
  • The Great U War

    The Great U War
    Until now, Handama has lived peacfully for years.
    But they are in a war with people from unknown places who wanted uranium, a great resource for electricity and for other products. This was Handama's 1st war. Even though it was a hard battle, they won and experienced some stuff for the 1st time.
  • Lumber factory created

    Lumber factory created
    A lumber factory was made to chop up the trees much more faster.
  • Coal Factory was made

    Coal Factory was made
    A coal factory was made to get the coal all ready for trading and selling.
  • Nuclear Power Plant

    Nuclear Power Plant
    On this day, a nuclear power plant was made to produce electricity from uranium.
    This was a great benefit for the Handamans.