The History of Georgia, by Timothy West

  • May 1, 1504

    Hernado de Soto explores Georgia

    Hernado de Soto explores Georgia
    After landing in flordia after sailing from havanna de Soto go through Georgia.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1540 to


  • Aug 1, 1566

    Spain establishes Georgia missions on barrier islands

    Spain establishes Georgia missions on barrier islands
    Spain established missions on Georgia’s Cumberland Island ,St. Catherine’s Island, and later St. Simon’s Island.
  • Virgina colony established

    Virgina colony established
    First colonies created in Virgina in this century by england
  • Massachusetts Colony founded

    One of the first contiuous english settlement in America
  • Fort King George built

    Built to protect the Southern Colonies from invasion by the Spanish; established English presence in Georgia
  • Georgia Colony founded with Charter of 1732

    Georgia Colony founded with Charter of 1732, beginning the Trustee Period giving the Georgia colony to the 21 trustees
  • War of Jenkin's Ear

    Oglethorpe invades spain in this war so named for the cutting off of the ear of Robert Jenkins, one of the many seamen smugguling goods from georgia. the winning of this war hellps solidify georgia's border
  • Battle of Bloody Marsh

    Key battle in which Oglethorpe and the highland scots pushed Spanish forces from st simons back into Flordia (not very bloody or big)
  • french and indian war

    war that was one by britian results in the proclamatin line
  • stamp act

    passed as an attempt to raise money to pay fo frenchand indian war helped cause revolution
  • townsend actts

    Places taxes on glass paper and dyes later canncelled du to boycotts
  • boston massacre

    british soldiers shoot and kill 5 people and wound many more used as propaganda for the independence movment by paul revere
  • intolerable acts

    these acts closed boston harbor took away bostons charter and forced people to quater troops ; all as punishment for the boston tea party
  • declaration of indepence

    cause of revolutionary war .
  • battle of lexinton and concorde

    first battles of revolutionary war
  • seige of savannah

    french and american troops attack british held savannah but were deafeassted by the british
  • articles of confederation

    first us government the articles of confederation passed
  • treaty of paris

    this treaty ends the revolutionary war
  • Shay's Rebllion

    uprising by daniel shay in several states after the articles of confedration took their farmland after they failed to pay taxes: since the central government had no army they could not stop the uprising
  • constituion ratified

    us constituion ratified by all states
  • US costitution ratifed

  • invention of the cotton gin

    coooton gin invented
  • Yazoo Land Fraud

    the yazooo land company frauds many by illlegallly saling us land under the usa s nose
  • Dahlonega Gold Rush

    the gold rush resulted after gold was found on cherokee
  • GA indian removal act