World War 1 Conscroption Crisis
This issue divided Candians as the French believed they had done enought to support this foreign war. Result French English relations strained. By the middle of the war, reserves were running low, forcing PM Borden to enact mandatory militaty service -
Union Nationale Party Created
The party won six provincial elections between 1936 and 1966. Thus making it very succesful. Duplessis was its charismatic leader until his death in 59' The Union Nationale defended provnicial autonomy, conservatism, economic liberalism and rural life. -
Period: to
The Duplesiss Era/The Great Darknes
Quebec economy, stagnant, known for bribary + corruption Led the Union Nationale Party and Believed Quebec to be a distinct Soceity . Duplesis also supported Catholic church+ politicians and lawyers, and not businesss men and entrepeuners -
World War 2 Conscription Crisis
Result: French - English relations strained but not broken By 1942 the Nazi Party controlled all of Western Europe requiring Mackenzie to conscript soliders for our seas defense. By the time the nill was passed men were trained to go over, the war was mostly over -
Period: to
The Duplesiss Era/The Great Darknes Continue
Duplesiss encouraged foreign investment in exchange for excahnge for cheap labour, Dubplesis shut down unions -
FLQ Party born /Separatist Movement is born
Quiet Revolution Begins in Quebec after Dusplesis death
Jean Lesage (Liberal)
Jean Lesage replaces, Duplesiss, winning the election under the slogan "Maitre chez nous" - masters of our own house. Lesage starts modernizing Quebec education, culture and politics, limited influence of Catholic Church was called Queit Revolution because it was a peaceful change -
Maitre Chez Nous (Jean Lesage, Liberal Party Campaign slogan)
Jean Lesage was one of the top contributers -
Canada's New Flag
pg 215 counterpoints for designs. Under the pearson government he moved to a flag design which unified Canada and showed independence from Britain -
Canada's Immigration Policy becomes "Colour Blind"
Prior to this immigration Policy was quite retrictive and excluded people from Asian countries. Now we were removing those restrictions by using Points system points awarded by professors in demand in Canada at immigration -
Period: to
Bi&Bi Commission (Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism) investigation by Lester B. Pearson
An investigation on how English Canadians felt about French and Vice Cersa. Sought to solive feelings, misunderstandings, alienation, and prejuidice -
Trudeau becomes prime minister
Althogh a French Canadian, He is a federalist who belives in one unified Canada -
Official Languages Act is passed
making french the 2nd official language. Canda was a by product of the Bi&Bi Commissions recommendations. By passing it, Trudeau wanted to show French inclusion into the faric of Canda -
FLQ Crisis (Oct 5) aka October Crisis
The FLQ had stepped up their radical seperatist activity by kidnapping Britsih diplomat, John Cross. The FLQ would only release cross if FLQ prisoners were given amnesty for crimes against Canada. Trudeau respons with War Measures Act. But FLQ then kidnapped and killed Pierre La Porte, Quebecs Labour minister -
Policy of Multiculturalism introduced and passed
This policy was meant to de-emphasize Quebec and the French as the ony cultural group in Canada. It attemped to recognize all immigrants as unique and encouraged them to ecpress themselves. RESULT: Canada becomes more international -
Bill 22 passed and Robert Bourassa
Liberal Preimer Bourassa introduced Bill 22 making French the official language of Quebec(not like the other provinces)
Rationale: French birth rates were declining but immigration was increasing. Bourassa feared the dissapperance of the French Langaueg -
Immigration policy moves to 'sponsorship program'
The policy allowed citziens of canada to support or sponsor outside appplicants to Canada. This required that those who sponsored people were legally and financially responsible for the new immigration benefit. New immigrants not part of social welware programs -
Parti Quebecios wins provincial election on Quebec
PQ party is led by Renee Levesque and promises Qubec seperation by first holding a province-wide referendum on the issue -
Bill 101 Passed
Like bill 101 (Bill 101 aka Charter of the French Language replaced Bill 22 made French the official language of Quebec. Goverenment service offices retail etc.. operated only in French. Some french canadian people saw this as a symbol of oppression) new link required -
Refrendum on Sovereignty Association
Levesque asked people and Quebec to vote "yes" to negotiagting a new agreement with Canada based on sovereignty asscioation. The propsed that Qubec become independent, yet maintain a close economic relationshop with Canada. "Maitre chez-nous: was the motto"
Result of Refrendum
Patriation of the Constitution
Consitution Act
Brian Mulroney becomes Prime Minister
Bloc Quebecois formed
See Meech Lake Accord -
Reform Party Created
Mulroney promised to gain Quebecs consent to the constitution with honor and enthusiasm Robert Boyrassa (Liberal- Federalist) in office in Quebec at this time (replaces Levesque) However Canada still had other problems
- Growing western alienation dur to oil crisis of 1970s
- Ab and Newfoundland wanted senate reforms
-Ottawa awarded a multi billion dolloar contract to Que rather than winnipeg -
Department of Multiculturalism formed