China discovers kites
They discovered the flight of kites, but they started to think about humans flying. They used the kites in a religious ceremonies they were coloerful and energetic they were for fun. Some of them were used for cheaking weather. They have neen important to the invention of flight as they were the forerunner to balloons an gliders, -
Nov 7, 1485
Leonard da Vinci- The Omithopter
People always wanted to fly like a bird so Leonard da Vinci mad the first real studies of flight. He had over 100 drawings that illustrated his theories on flight. The Omithopter was never actually created, he just drew it out so he could show that a man could fly. The modern day helicopter was based on this concept. -
Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier- the First Air Balloon
Joseph and Jacques were the first inventers of a hot air balloon. They got smoke from a fire to blow hot air into a slik bag. then they attached the slik bag to a basket. The air rose and the balloon became lighter. Then the first passengers was a sheep, rooster, and duck that rode the colorful balloon went about 6,000 feet high and traveled more than 1 mile. After the wonderful success the brothers started to send men up in the balloons. The first flight that men went in was November 21, 1783. -
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Georgy Cayley
He wanted to know how can man fly. He made many different versions of gliders. The first person to fly one of his gliders was a young boy but nobody knows his name. He re-did them many of times adjusting the tail. -
Otto Lilienthal
Otto Lilenthal really wanted to come up with something that man can fly. He succeded he was the first person to design a glider that could fly. A person was able to fly long distances with out any malfunctions. He was able to creat it because he based it on how birds can fly. Sadly he died he was killed when he lost control because of a sudden strong wind and crashed into the ground. -
Smauel Langley
He relized that man need power to help us fly. Thats when he built the first ever model of a plane. The model flew for 3/4s of a mile before running out of fule.