Film camera

The History of Film

  • The First Film

    The First Film
    The first film was shown in Indiana. A man named Charles Francis Jenkins used his special invention, the Phantoscope, to show a woman dancing on a wall. This film was very short and had no sound. Edison bought the patent and changed the name to the Vitascope. In fact, this “film” in today's perspective is nothing more than a flash slide show.
  • The First Film Soundtrack

    The First Film Soundtrack
    The first film soundtrack released. Usually this was just sheet music that would be performed live in the theater by an in-house pianist or organist.
  • The First Cinema (Theatre) In The World,

    The First Cinema (Theatre) In The World,
    First full-time cinema is opened in Los Angeles California. The films are mostly short and have no soundtrack at that time.
  • The Milestone of The Modern Cinema

    The Milestone of The Modern Cinema
    The film of "Birth of a Nation", the first feature-length film forces Nickelodeons to charge more for admission. This is the first step towards movie theaters as we know them today.
  • The Growing Maturity Of The Modern Cinema

    The Growing Maturity Of The Modern Cinema
    Movie theatres are showing more feature length films by now. Most theaters are owned by production studios, creating the building blocks of Hollywood.
  • Period: to

    The Growing Maturity Of The Modern Cinema

  • The Colorize of Film

    The Colorize of Film
    The last important step in the development of film was the introduction of color film to the market around 1930, and the first recognized color film in the world was Vanity Fair. In the process of colour film replacing black and white film is a gradual change, with the improvement of colour technology, more and more colour film, so far it can be said that there are basically no black and white film.
  • The First Drive-in Cinema

    The First Drive-in Cinema
    Along with the development and popularity of automobiles. The first drive-in movie theatre opens in New Jersey. It offered people the option to sit in the comfort of their own cars to watch movies instead of crowding in the small narrow theatres.
  • Break Hollywood's monopoly.

    Break Hollywood's monopoly.
    Antitrust laws force Hollywood studios to de-couple from the movie theatres. That means that all films can be shown in any theater. This also leads to some of the movie theatre brands that we know and love today.
  • Another Milestone of Modern Cinema

    Another Milestone of Modern Cinema
    The first movie theatre debuts stereophonic sound alongside a giant screen. This is the true beginning of the modern movie theater era.
  • Digital Revolution

    Digital Revolution
    The first digital projectors were unveiled to the public. This means there will be no longer huge reels of film needed to show a film at the theatres.
  • Visual Effects

    Visual Effects
    In the early days of filmmaking, special effects shots of a film were combined with various techniques. Until now, the computer has a lot of application on the film production, some lens actors only sit in a special chair with full green suit, do some expressions and actions, and appear on the screen background and plot was unthinkable, because the computer to do the work of editing the film instead of blindly complicated steps.