The Beginning....
Thomas Edison,inventor of the light bulb, came up with the idea of electrical engineering after sending a letter to the Columbia President Frederick A.P. Barnard, suggesting a course for teaching young engineers who understood "electrical science". https://www.ee.columbia.edu/ee-history -
Department of Electrical Engineering
Columbia's trustees decided to establish a department of electrical engineering, offering 2 years of graduate study students who had completed the standard 4 year mines curriculum. https://www.ee.columbia.edu/ee-history -
The first toaster was created.
The first electric toaster was invented by Alan MacMasters in Scotland. https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-your-toaster-4076981 -
The First invention of Air Conditioners!
Willis Haviland Carrier invented the first Air conditioner in 1902 after graduating at Cornell University. https://www.thoughtco.com/willis-haviland-carrier-air-conditioning-4078668 -
How Neon Lights were created
A French inventor named Georges Claude, invented the first neon lighting from applying an electrical discharge to a sealed tube of neon gas. creating and displaying the first public neon lamp. https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-neon-signs-1992355 -
World war:Motors and Radios
Columbia engineers played a key role in giving the U.S. an edge in radio communications and electrical technology. https://www.ee.columbia.edu/ee-history -
The electric razor
Jacob Schick invents the electric razor during his time of leisure after doing some gold exploration in Alaska and British Columbia, finding it difficult to shave. The invention used the principles of repeating firearms, and blades were sold in clips and loaded into the razor, without ever having to touch them. The design was inspired by weaponry Jacob saw in his service in the military. https://connecticuthistory.org/jacob-schick-invents-the-electric-razor/ -
Better entertainment was born!
The world's first electronic t.v was invented by a 21 year old named Philo Taylor Farnsworth. The electric t.v had impacted the manufacturing the mechanical t.v to no longer produce, and an inventor named Zenith had created the first television remote. https://bebusinessed.com/history/history-of-the-television/#:~:text=The%20First%20Electronic%20Television%20was,until%20he%20was%20age%2014. -
The First Digital computer.
Developed by John Vincent Atanasoff and Cliff Berry ,the the computer named the "ABC" (short for Atanasoff-Berry Computer) was an electrical computer that used more than 300 vacuum tubes for digital computation, including binary math and Boolean logic, and had no CPU (was not programmable). https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htm -
The first mobile phone
Mobile phones were invented as early as the 1940s when engineers working at AT&T developed cells for mobile phone base stations.The very first mobile phones were not really mobile phones. They were two-way radios that allowed people like taxi drivers and the emergency services to communicate. They where first invented by Martin Cooper. https://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/guides/history-of-mobile-phones/ https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories/invention-mobile-phones -
Roger L. Easton, Ivan Getting, Bradford Parkinson, and Dr. Gladys West were the ones behind the invention of the GPS.
The GPS was originally used for military purpose in navigation and used for tracking U.S submarines carrying nuclear missiles.
The GPS wasn't public to the people until 1983.
https://www.geoawesomeness.com/who-invented-the-gps/ -
Say Cheese!
The disposable camera was created by Fujifilm. The camera gained popularity with other photography companies, quickly flooding the market.Cameras were expensive and complicated. The disposable cameras were easy to use, cheap and readily available. Though the camera did not take over the photography market, disposable cameras became a staple of tourism. https://interestingengineering.com/7-influential-inventions-from-the-1980s-that-would-go-on-to-change-the-world -
Nintendo's console
The Gaming console we all have heard of was the Nintendo 64. Th console was (obviously) invented by Nintendo. It was a huge breakthrough for the industry offering the ultimate precise gaming experience, launching from Japan's markets to the U.S. https://interestingengineering.com/7-inventions-that-made-the-1990s-a-lot-better -
The Future is NOW!
The hoverboard or self balancing scooters were invented by Chinese inventors Shane Chan.It gained popularity in the western countries.The hoverboard although had issues. The early units of the product caught fire from overheating the battery, and some several safety problems. https://www.hoverboardhub.com/what-is-a-hoverboard/#:~:text=Hoverboards%20or%20Self%20Balancing%20Scooters%20had%20invented%20in%20the%20year,because%20of%20overheating%20the%20battery. -
Where we are now...The Wireless charger!
The TapNcharge will be the newest way to charge your phone without charger. Th pad creates an electromagnetic field that transfers power from the pad to your phone. So, when you place your phone on the pad, it powers up simply by resting on the pad. https://interestingengineering.com/15-new-technologies-that-will-make-your-2020-much-more-interesting http://www.itechgrid.com/tapncharge/