The First Use of Electricity
In 1879 Thomas Edison made a breakthrough with a bulb that lasted 40 hours. This invention made way for many more inventions to come in the future. https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/thomas-edison -
The Invention of Air Conditioning
Willis Carrier, a skilled engineer is known as "The father of the air conditioner". The first modern air conditioner was invented in 1902.Carrier’s system sent air through coils filled with cold water, cooling the air while at the same time removing moisture to control room humidity. https://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/global-cooling-the-history-of-air-conditioning -
First Powered Flight
The Wright brothers made four brief flights at Kitty Hawk with their first powered aircraft. The Wright brothers had invented the first successful airplane.
https://airandspace.si.edu/exhibitions/wright-brothers/online/fly/1903/ -
First Electric Washing Machine
The first electric powered washing machine was called "Thor". The Thor was a drum type washing machine with a galvanized tub and an electric motor. This made people lives way easier.
http://theinventors.org/library/inventors/blwashingmachines.htm -
First Pumped Storage Plant
The first pumped storage facility in the world was build in 1909 in Switzerland. It used pump a pump to store water and a separate turbine to generate electricity.This led to the creation of many more power plants throughout Europe. https://www.asce.org/project/rocky-river-pumped-storage-hydraulic-plant/ -
The Television is Created
Electronic television was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept. 7, 1927.The system was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, a 21-year-old inventor. -
Construction of Boulder Dam Begins
The construction of the Hoover Dam began in 1931. The main reason for building the Hoover Dam was to supply the electrical power necessary to transport 4.4 million acre feet over a quarter of the Colorado River's average annual flow to California. The Dam was also supplied water to Las Vegas. http://www.waterencyclopedia.com/Ge-Hy/Hoover-Dam.html -
The Microwave
The first microwave was invented by Percy Spencer. His invention was a accident but it worked once he started experimenting. It was almost 6 Ft tall and weighed about 750 pounds.
https://www.wonderopolis.org/wonder/who-invented-the-microwave-oven -
The First Video Game
The first video game made was in 1958. It was a very simple tennis game. Everyone was amazed by it and stood in long lines just to get a chance to play the game.
https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200810/physicshistory.cfm -
First Electronic Calculator
The first electronic calculator was made in 1963. It was a large calculator but it solved everything fast. This calculator was a high success and led to the invention of smaller faster calculator.
http://www.vintagecalculators.com/html/history_of_electronic_calculators.html -
First Cellular Phone
A Motorola employee names Marty Cooper invented the first cellular phone. He made the first cell phone call in history to make sure it worked. The cellphone was a huge success.
https://interestingengineering.com/the-history-behind-the-invention-of-the-first-cell-phone -
World Wide Web
Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. The web was originally developed to meet the demand for automated information sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world. Everyone uses the World Wide Web now.
https://home.cern/science/computing/birth-web -
The USB Flash Drive
The USB flash drive cam in 1999. It was initially sold with a few megabytes, current models can carry hundreds of megabytes.
https://www.techrepublic.com/pictures/tech-nostalgia-the-top-15-innovations-of-the-1990s/ -
The Hand Dryer
The hand dryer made your trips to the bathroom way easier. it was a super powerful hand dryer that actually got your hands dry.
https://www.pastemagazine.com/blogs/lists/2009/11/the-20-best-gadgets-of-the-decade-2000-2009.html -
The Iphone
The first iPhone was launched in 2007. Before the iPhone came out, smartphones were clunky devices half keyboard and half screen. It took years of adding new stuff to the phone, but the iPhone was something different.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/first-phone-anniversary-2016-12 -
A Hospital Robot
Scientists at Diligent Robotics built a hospital robot named Moxi. Moxi has a arm to reach, a gripper to pick up objects, and a mobile base to move. Moxi is able to complete duties without being asked.