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Behavioristic CALL
In behavioristic CALL, practice materials in computers were being used. Computer presented a stimulus and learner was providing a response. The computer would analyse students and evaluate them. -
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Mobile devices were especially beneficial for distance learners, mobile phones,Mp3 and Mp4 players, and devices such as Iphone and Ipad were being used. -
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Communicative CALL
In this era, the focus was the use of language rather than the analysis of it, paced reading. text reconstruction, and language games were the skill practices. Some games were also being used as an educational tool such as SimCity, Sleuth etc. -
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Integrative CALL
In this era, language skills were fit into tasks and projects, with multimedia technology and computer-mediated communication were also developed. Computer was used as a tool outside the classroom. With interactive Laser videodiscs such as Montevidisco and A la recontre de Philippe, Multimedia CALL started, later transferred to CDs. -
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Started in Asian countries, Robot-assisted-language-learning has been an effective tool when used for educational purposes, while still having some problems with integrating it into education, it has been a great motivation for kids. -
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- Wikipedia contributors. (2024b, September 16). Computer-assisted language learning. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-assisted_language_learning
- Wikipedia contributors. (2023b, March 22). Mobile-assisted language learning. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile-assisted_language_learning
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3.John, C. (2018b, July 9). The evolution and impact of technology in language education. Pressbooks. https://pressbooks.pub/techandcurriculum/chapter/technology-assisted-language-learning/
5.https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2020/06/16/13/16/smartphone-5305625_1280.jpg -
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