Symbol for teachers'


  • Period: to

    The history of education

    historical events the factor education as we know it.
  • plymouth colony

    plymouth colony
    plymouth colony was a colony that puritans founded they promoted educational teachings to educatr children with religious teachings.
  • The first Latin grammar school

    The first Latin grammar school
    The first Latin Grammar School (Boston Latin School) is established. Latin Grammar Schools were designed for sons of certain social classes who were destined for leadership positions in church, state, or the courts.
  • The first free public school in virginia opens

    The first free public school in virginia opens
    The first "free school" in Virginia opens. However, education in the Southern colonies is more typically provided at home by parents or tutors.
  • Harvard college established

    Harvard college established
    Harvard college was the first higher educationanal institute(college) established. Its located in Cambridge massuchessetes ,United states.
  • The massachusetts law of 1647

    The massachusetts law of 1647
    The Massachusetts Law of 1647, also known as the Old Deluder Satan Act, is passed. It decrees that every town of at least 50 families hire a schoolmaster who would teach the town's children to read and write and that all towns of at least 100 families should have a Latin grammar school master who will prepare students to attend Harvard College.
  • second college established in virginia

    second college established in virginia
    The College of William and Mary is established in Virginia. It is the second college to open in colonial America
  • first publicly suported library

    first publicly suported library
    the first publicaly suported library established in charles town, South Carolina
  • diffrent outlook on EDUCATION

    diffrent outlook on EDUCATION
    schools seen as a vehicle to make a better society
  • First English academy

    First English academy
    Benjamin Franklin helps to establish the first "English Academy" in Philadelphia.
  • first school for females

    first school for females
    1787The young ladys Academy opens in Philadelphia and becomes the first academy for girls in America
  • pennsylvania calls for free public education

    pennsylvania calls for free public education
    Pennsylvania state constitution calls for free public education but only for poor children. It is expected that rich people will pay for their children's schooling
  • first public highschool

    first public highschool
    1821 - The first public high school, Boston English High School, opens
  • first school for visual disabilities

    first school for visual disabilities
    New England Asylum for the Blind, now known as the Perkins School for the Blind, opened up in Massachusetts, becoming the first school in the U.S. for children with visual disabilities
  • "Normal schools"

    "Normal schools"
    The first state funded school specifically for teacher education (then known as "normal" schools) opens in Lexington, Massachusetts
  • first kindergarden opens

    first kindergarden opens
    The first kindergarten in the U.S. is started in Watertown, Wisconsin, founded by Margarethe Schurz
  • special ed programs

    Schools started SPECIAL education programs

    hughes established federal funds
  • First public community college

    First public community college
    Joliet Junior College, in Joliet, Illinois, opens. It is the first public community college in the U.S
  • School for chinese immigrants

    School for chinese immigrants
    The U.S. Supreme Court requires California to extend public school to the children of THE Chinese immigrants

    Headstart program started