Athenian Democracy
- Athenian Leader Cleisthens introduced "demokratia", rule by the people
- Three bodies of administration; Ekklesia, Boule, ad the dikasteria
- decisions were made by representatives of the tribes
- all valid citizens could vote
- Less of a democracy than Rome
- Only the upper-class could be apart of the senate, but everyone had a say
- Only citizens of Rome could vote
- Only free men were citizens
The Rise of Monarchy
- after the Roman Empire was established democracy disappeared
- Kings and Queens ruled by the Divine Right of Kings
- Power was past to the Catholic Church
- monarchs held total rule
Jan 1, 1215
The Magna Charta
- King James was forced to sign the Magna Charta
- it limite the control monarchs would have over their citizens
- they could not have or do whatever they wanted unrestricted
- this helped seed the British Parliament
American Revolution
- the revolution brought the first true democracy to the world
- the government was decided by the people and was restricted in power
- two of the three branches could overide the third if it got too powerful
- three seperate branhces would perform different tasks that would be independent of each other
- citizens would be represented
French Revolution
- the middle class overthrew the monarchy following the American example
- the country became a military state under Napoleon after the leaders of the revolution became corrupted
Rise of the USSR
- Karl Marx wrote a manifesto describing a society that acted as one and everyone was equal in every aspect
- Lenin overthrew the Russian Tsar and became the new leader using his stylized version of the manifesto
- Stalin came to power and twisted it to suit his interests
- Stalin ended up killing 20 - 30 million russins through the KGB, the Gulag, and orchestrated famines
- Stalin starts the Cold War which lasts beyond his death
Fascism in Italy
- following World War 1, Mussolini cereates a Fascist Italian Government using his personal regime to keep order
- he inspered an austrian WW1 veteran with his actions
Hitler in Power
- Inspired by Mussolini, Hitler takes control of a minor political part and reforms it into the Nationalist Socialist Party and becomes Chancellor of Germany
- he incited Germans with racial hatred of Jews and Communists and promised to revoke the Treaty of Versailles
- he stared a second world war and killed 55 million people through it
- 6 million jews and 5 Million "Enemies of the State" were exterminated
Birth of the UN
- after the horrors of the Second World War, the United Nations was formed to keep the peace and protect Human Rights from the atrocities of the war
- They pledged that human beings have a right to live and work without abuse from the government
- the UN created the declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person