The History of Computing & the Internet

  • Charles Babbage: British mathematician (Known for his sketches on The Difference Machine & The Analysis Machine)

    Charles Babbage: British mathematician (Known for his sketches on The Difference Machine & The Analysis Machine)
    The Difference Machine in 1821 produced logarithmic tables where the logarithm calculation was calculated from polymers. The construction was never started in 1833 because the friction of the gear mechanisms was too great, the problem was vibrations, he changed how the machine was to be constructed. In 1833-1842, the analytical machine was created that used punch cards to control mathematical calculations, output unit and a memory that is stored for further use. Construction was made in 1835.
  • Ada Lovelace: British mathematician & writer

    Ada Lovelace: British mathematician & writer
    Ada Lovelace is known for her work with Charles Babbage where they worked with an analytical machine. From 1842 to 1843 she translated an article written by the Italian engineer Luigi Menabrea, which she then added with a set of notes. The notes were claimed to have been the first computer program. She understood the potential of the computer and that it did not just produce numbers. This poetic science touched her on a relationship between people and society, technology and tools.
  • Thomas Edison: American inventor & industrialist. His inventions have changed the lives of many people between the end of the 19th & the beginning of the 20th century. Best known for inventing the phonograph in 1877 & the first working light bulb in 1879

    Thomas Edison: American inventor & industrialist. His inventions have changed the lives of many people between the end of the 19th & the beginning of the 20th century. Best known for inventing the phonograph in 1877 & the first working light bulb in 1879
    He was a pioneer who had a laboratory, where he employed engineers who designed things based on his own calculations. An example, is the light bulb that was developed by his ideas and not by the foundation. His improvement in developing the various filaments made it usable in 1879. But in 1986 until now, tungsten is used instead. However, his first major invention was the phonograph, a machine for playing and reproducing sound. He made several major improvements in the areas of wire telegraphy.
  • John von Neumann: Hungarian mathematician (Considered the foremost mathematician of the 20th century in quantum mechanics, computer science & economics) He inspected BARK, Sweden's first computer & a theorist about cell machines, self-replicating machines

    John von Neumann: Hungarian mathematician (Considered the foremost mathematician of the 20th century in quantum mechanics, computer science & economics) He inspected BARK, Sweden's first computer & a theorist about cell machines, self-replicating machines
    As a young man von Neumann was able to count difficult mathematical numbers with mental arithmetic. He began his career with set theory & was a pioneer of quantum mechanics in 1925. Today he is one of the most important computer science theorists for von-Neumann architecture, the basis for the construction of computers since the 1940s. He participated in the works, ENIAC or EDVAC, the American digital computer & he was a chief designer of the IAS machine, the first electronic computer 1945-1951.
  • Alan Turing: British mathematician, logician & cryptanalyst

    Alan Turing: British mathematician, logician & cryptanalyst
    He worked at Bletchy Park during World War II to crack German codes. In Bletchy Park, he designed an electromechanical machine, the Bombe, that could help crack the Enigma crypto. It looked for the setting of Enigma´s rotors by testing a chain of logic wires based on the crib. It could detect when a termination occurred, declined and went to the next. Many of the settings led to contradictions, only a few were left and could be examined in detail. The first bomb was installed on March 18, 1940.
  • Katherine Johnson: American mathematician, computer scientist, aeronautical engineer & physicist. Best known for operating within NASA, whose calculations were crucial to the first US spaceflight. Already as a child she had a talent for numbers & studied

    Katherine Johnson: American mathematician, computer scientist, aeronautical engineer & physicist. Best known for operating within NASA, whose calculations were crucial to the first US spaceflight. Already as a child she had a talent for numbers & studied
    mathematics & French. In 1953, she started her work at NACA, where she was commissioned to analyze data from plane crashes. There, she worked with three other African-American women who manually made difficult mathematical calculations that became possible in the United States first space ventures. She continued to work at NACA, in 1958 called NASA. She worked with difficult calculations for space programs such as Freedom 7 Mercury (1961-1963) & Apollo 11 (1969) - possible to land on the moon.
  • Douglas Engelbert: American inventor & computer developer of Norweigan origin. He is best known for the first computer mouse 1963-1964. He demonstrated the invention at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco on December 9, 1968.

    Douglas Engelbert: American inventor & computer developer of Norweigan origin. He is best known for the first computer mouse 1963-1964. He demonstrated the invention at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco on December 9, 1968.
    He was the first to demonstrate a system with a computer mouse, keyboard & monitor. Engelbert also demonstrated the use of hypertext, graphical usage which is a method that facilitates the interaction between human & computer with windows, teleconferencing systems and hypermedia. He was also an eloquent advocate for the development, use of computers & computer networks to help the world's difficult problems. In 1969 he became the second host computer in ARPAnet. However, he never became rich.
  • Bill Gates: American computer pioneer & philanthropist (Best known for being the co-founder & chairman of Microsoft) Already at a young age, Gates had a great interest in the programming language BASIC. But when he understood that there were some security

    Bill Gates: American computer pioneer & philanthropist (Best known for being the co-founder & chairman of Microsoft) Already at a young age, Gates had a great interest in the programming language BASIC. But when he understood that there were some security
    flaws in the computer system, he decided to take courses for various programs running in the system. In January 1975, he contacted MITS manager Ed Roberts, who was behind the Altair 8800 microcomputer. There, Gates developed an Althair emulator that ran on a minicomputer & BASIC interpreter. He & Allen showed what they had achieved & got an agreement that they would launch the interpreter Altair Basic. They started the trading company Microsoft in November 1975. In the 1980s Windows was launched
  • Steve Wozniak: American electrical engineer, computer programmer, entrepreneur & venture capitalist (He founded Apple Computer or Apple Inc in 1976 with Steve Jobs & Ronald Wayne)

    Steve Wozniak: American electrical engineer, computer programmer, entrepreneur & venture capitalist (He founded Apple Computer or Apple Inc in 1976 with Steve Jobs & Ronald Wayne)
    He tested his first working prototype in 1975 since the miss in 1973, which showed letters & ran various test programs. It was the first computer character to appear on a TV screen controlled by a home computer, had a simple video generator. He created Apple I which had hardware, circuit board design, operating system and microprocessors with ready-made motherboards. After the success, the first personal computer Apple II were created with color graphics and programming language BASIC built-in.
  • Tim Berners-Lee: Creator & head of the World Wide Web, a technology that created the conditions for greater use of the Internet. In 1989, he submitted a proposal for a global hypertext project called the World Wide Web.

    Tim Berners-Lee: Creator & head of the World Wide Web, a technology that created the conditions for greater use of the Internet. In 1989, he submitted a proposal for a global hypertext project called the World Wide Web.
    The following year, he created the first CERN website. In 1991, he made the site available to the public & told about his creation in public newsgroups. He wrote the first browser & web server that made it possible to browse between web pages. They displayed & edited hypertext. The program first became available on CERN & then on the Internet in 1991. In 1993, the system spread worldwide. Later he improved communication protocols, standards, he founded & became a researcher in the laboratory W3C