First railway was invented
First camera was invented
The first mechanical computer was invented
First ever T.V. for sale
First computer was invented
First mouse was invented
The mouse was invented to make it easyer to navigate around your P.C. it was also a start of making easyer flying. -
First e-mail was sent
First touchscreen device was invented
The internet was invented
First ever video game console invented
called Magnavox Odyssey -
First ever laptop
first ever hand held console was realeased
First Sat-Nav was made
The Sat-Nav or GPS is an automated navigation system that allows the user to say where they want to go and the Sat-Nav plots the quickest route -
First Mac was made
First online booking
American airways was the first airline to have an online ticket booking service.Instead of queing for ages you can just book your flight online, often it is alto cheaper -
first smart phone was released
first ever PlayStation was realeased
Ebay was made
Ebay along with amazon is a world wide sellig market.anyone in the world can access it. Anyone can sell anything, you put a buy now price and people can bid -
Netflix is a digital movie website that allows people to watch films from there own house. It is possibly the worlds most used film watcher apart from a cinema -
First ever Xbox was realeases in America
Skype was invented
Skype is a video messanger. It is a way of contacting someone instead of texting or phoning someone you can see each other and show them things -
Facebook was invented
Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook and it is now the most used social network site in the world. In 2004 Peter Thiel made a $500,000 investment into Facebook -
Youtube was invented
You tube is a video sharing website.When it wsa first made it was an indepentant company, however google bought it and is now one of the most used websites a day -
Twitter was invented
Twitter is a social network site used daily by thousands of people a day.Instead of posting something you "Tweat" it a tweat is limeted to 140 Characters. -
First Ipad invented
snapchat is an instant messager although you dont send messages you take a picture and add a caption -
Next generation games consols
The next generation of games consols might not even have a physical consol, you could buy a controller and download the needed softwhere onto your t.v.