three-color inking attachment
Frank Earl Sperry founded a company in 1914 that produced thee-color inking attachments but in the late 1920's started to manufacture hydraulic pumps. -
Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator(EDSAC). Built by Maurice Wilkes at University of Cambridge. -
Start of the Second Generation
The invention of the transistor by John Bardeen, Waliter Brattain, andWilliam Shockely -
Start of the Fourth Generation
The Intergrated Circuit (IC) was invented by Jack Kilby -
The fisrt personal Computer created
Don estridge creates the first IMB PC with 16k memory and 160k floppy disk drive -
Apple creates the Powerbook 100,140 and 170 -
Think Pad
IMB introduces the ThinkPad 700 -
Palm OS
The first operating system palm introduces Palm Os pilot 1000 and pilot 5000 -
Bondi Blue IMac
Apple creates the Bondi Blue IMac with a 15 inch monitor and 4GB hard drive -
IMac G5
Apple introduces the IMac G5 with a new all in one desktop design -
Apple IPhone
Apple introduces the smartphone a mobile devive that includes internet wirlessly -
Asus' Eee
Asus' Eee is the first nettop introducing Eee Pc 701 -
Apple creates the Ipad and redefines mobile computing -
The original IBM PC turns 30 years old