The History of Communication

  • Feb 21, 1450

    First Newspaper

    First Newspaper
    The first newspapers appear in Europe in 1450.
  • First typewriter

    First typewriter
    Englishmen, Henry Mill receives the first patent for a typewriter.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Samuel Morse invents Morse code.
  • Phonograph

    Thomas Edison patents the phonograph.
  • Kodak

    George Eastman patents Kodak roll film camera.
  • Period: to

    0 AD-2012 AD

  • Comics

    First regular comic books
  • Television

    First television broadcasts in England.
  • Television Broadcasts

    Television Broadcasts
    Scheduled television broadcasts begin.
  • Zipcodes

    Zip codes invented in the United States.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    First cellular phone network started in the United States
  • Public Release of Internet

    Public Release of Internet
    The US government releases the world wide web to the public.
  • Iphone

    The first Iphone is released.