Clothing 1

The history of clothing

  • 50,000 BCE

    prehistoric adaptation to clothing

    prehistoric adaptation to clothing
    The first clothes were made from natural elements: animal skin and furs, grasses and leaves, and bones and shells. Clothing was often draped or tied; however, simple needles made out of animal bone provide evidence of sewn leather and fur garments.
  • 1300

    middle ages and the rise of fashion

    middle ages and the rise of fashion
    Clothing in 12th and 13th century Europe remained very simple for both men and women, and quite uniform across the subcontinent. The traditional combination of short tunic with hose for working-class men and long tunic with over gown for women and upper class men remained the norm. Most clothing, especially outside the wealthier classes, remained little changed from three or four centuries earlier.
  • Classical period of clothing

    Classical period of clothing
    The classical Filipino clothing varied according to cost and current fashions and so indicated social standing. The basic garments were the Bahag and the tube skirt—what the Maranao call malong—or a light blanket wrapped around instead. But more prestigious clothes, lihin-lihin, were added for public appearances and especially on formal occasions—blouses and tunics, loose smocks with sleeves, capes, or ankle-length robes. The textiles of which they were made were similarly varied.
  • Period: to

    The ready made clothing industry

    This was around the time where manual sewing machines were being made and small businesses were opening and selling "ready made clothing" this was long before they had a sewing machine powered with electricity but it worked manually by hand.
  • The making of the power-driven sewing machine

    The making of the power-driven sewing machine
    Around this time the first power-driven sewing machine was made and they were invented during the first Industrial Revolution to decrease the amount of manual sewing work performed in clothing companies. Since the invention of the first working sewing machine, generally considered to have been the work of Englishman Thomas Saint in 1790, the sewing machine has greatly improved the efficiency and productivity of the clothing industry.
  • modern clothing industry

    modern clothing industry
    Some observers distinguish between the fashion industry and the apparel industry but by the 1970s the boundaries between them had blurred. Fashion is best defined simply as the style or styles of clothing and accessories worn at any given time by groups of people. There may appear to be differences between the expensive designer fashions shown on the runways of Paris or New York and the mass-produced sportswear and street styles sold in malls and markets around the world.