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The history of Cinema

  • The begining of the cinema

    The begining of the cinema
    The cinema as show was created by the brothers Lumiere in Paris, France. The first movie was actually a documentary with pictures in movement, in wich the sientists who were watching felt like the train in the fotages were going to run them over.
  • First movie in colors

    First movie in colors
    The first color film tests were made in 1906, but as in the cinema with sound, it didn´t convinced to the audience. Years later Helbert Kamlus created the Technicolor, in wich the people acepted it better. With the years this tech got better and the first film shot in Technicolor was Vanity Fair by Rouben Mamoulian, in 1935.
  • The cinema as a show

    The cinema as a show
    Once the economic potential has been improved, the cinema turned into a fair show, popular and cheap, far away from the low art category were it is today. Slowly the cinema stop being a fairy show and it began to take on importance for the intelectual people. In Europe, in this date, it start to get better and popular movies.
  • The sound in the cinema

    The sound in the cinema
    From this date the movies started to have sound, and the first one was The Great Dictator. With the sound in the movies the musical esemble disapeared, and it makes take more value to the silence in the art form, for this reason is created the sountrack.
  • Rise of musical comedy

    Rise of musical comedy
    The arrival of sound to the cinema makes that the musical started, making some films that have more songs that dialogues and those films were made by a genre more fiendly and iconic. One of the greatest classics of this genre was "singing in the rain"
  • The blockbuster

    The blockbuster
    Star wars, the film that was made by George Lucas, changed the history of cinema. A deal was made by fox and Lucas, in wich Fox will take all the money from the movies and George will take all the money from the marketing. Film studios realize that the movies will made a lot of money so they invented Blockbuster and other companies, and so they could make a monopolio.
  • The cinema in postmodernity

    The cinema in postmodernity
    Due to the popularity gained by bluckbuster there was a fever for the movies, making the post-modernity as a new age for the cinema. Some of the most significant movies were Matrix and The Blair Witch Project and those movies tried to explote plataforms like the internet.
  • Digital and 3D cinema

    Digital and 3D cinema
    In february 2nd, in Paris, the first public screening of digital cinema was made by Philippe Binant. Despite the fact that in 1900 digital cinema existed, it wasn't that popular or attractive to the people. It had a exponential growth in the first and second decade of the XXI century. The movies wich made this proyect stay and grow were: "Avatar", "Toy Story 3", "Kung Fu Panda 2", "Cars 2" etc.