The beginning
The year was 1993. Bill Clinton was president and Jurassic Park was number one at the box office. But more important, Cheyenne was born. -
Period: to
The LIfe and Times of Cheyenne Brown
To Cool For School
After four years of rockin' it at her crib, Cheyenne moved on to bigger and better things. School being the only bigger and slightly less better thing. The school was Northeast Christian Academy, and her age was four. She showed up with pigtails and an attitude that was...to cool for school. -
Movin' On Up
Kindergarten was but a distant memory as Cheyenne walked down the aisle at her kindergarten graduation. As she stepped up to the microphne to recite a Bible verse, the brighly lights of the camera flashes wiped her memory. The words she was meant to say flew away, but she recovered and shouted "ELLO!" into the microphone then walked off the stage with swag. Classic Cheyenne. -
I'll be there for you (cause your there for me too)
The place: Mrs. Finney's first grade classroom. The girls: Cheyenne and Allyson. The event: The creation of the greatest friendship in the history of the world. -
Something Interesting finally happens again
With the blessings of puberty, Cheyenne moves from sweet small child to frizzy haired slighly chunky middle schooler. These were the tough yeras where she developed cringe-worthy crushes and took many gawkey tween pictures which have been recentky burned. -
The very sad Event
Cheyenne had spent nine years with Allyson; making jokes at inapropriate times and slaking off in gym class. But now, Allyson was moving and Cheyenne began her angsty teen years. -
Once again To Cool For School
Cheyenne survived the four years of imprisonment throughout highschool and now moved on to bigger and better things. -
Goodbye Community College Hello Utep
She garduated from Community college with an Associates Degree in "The Perpetually Undecided". She moved on to UTEP where she would find her passion: Teaching. -
So Here We Are
Cheyenne is now sitting in her EDT class reminising about the Good ol' days as she types her timeline. She is also thinking about when she will go to Allyson's wedding in June as her maid of honor and when she willl graduate with a bachelors in Education. LIfe is pretty good.