Democritus was born in 460 BC in Abdera, Thrace. He was a greek philosopher, and a mathematician. He died in 370 BC -
Period: to
History of Chemistry
Antoine Lavoisier
Was a chemist, economist, and a public servant. He was born in Paris, France on August 26,1743. Obtianed licence to practive law in 1764. -
John Dalton
Born 9-6-1766 at Eaglesfield. In 1787 he began to keep a meteorological diary in which during the succedding 57 years he entered more than 200000 observation -
Law of Conservation of mass.
Founded b French chemist Antoine Lavoiser. States that matter is not created or distroyed. -
Daltons Atomic Theory
Modern atomic theory revolves around the theory of dalton. It is basically the same as daltons only much more indebt. -
Dmitri Mendeleev
Studied science at St. Petersburg and gradutaed in 1856. Was appointed to a professorship in 1866. -
Gold foil expqieriment
Set up by Geiger and Mardsen. They fired a beam alpha particles through a piece of foil and observed where the particles landed on the screen. -
J. J. Thomson
Born in Cheetham Hill on 12-18-1856. Wroted Treatise on the Motion of vortex rings. Won the Adams prize in 1884 -
Plim Pudding atomic model
Proposed by JJ Thomson. Also known as Chocolate Chip Cookie or Blueberry Muffin Model -
CRT aka Cathode Ray Tube
Lead to the invention of the television and crt screen computers. -
Robert Millikan
Robert Millican was born on March 22, 1868. He entered Oberlin College in 18886. During his undergraduate course. His favorite subjects were Greek and Mathematics.He teached elementary physics. -
Ernest Rutherford
Born august 30, 1871 in Nelson, New England. His mother was an English teacher, and his father was a wheelwrite. -
Niels Bohr
Born in Copenhagen on October 7, 1885, as the son of Christian Bohr. Made his Masters in Physiology in 1909. -
Henry Mosely
A brithish chemist that studied under Rutherford and brilliantly developed the application for the X-ray. -
James Chadwick
Born in Cheshire, England. He attended Manchester High School prior to entering Manchester University -
Rutherford Model
Tested JJ Thomsons gold foil expieriment. He reasoned that if Thomsons model was correct then the mass of an atom was spread out throughout the atom. -
Electron cloud model
electron cloud model is an atom model wherein electrons are no longer depicted as moving particles. -
Erwin Shrodinger
Austrian pysicist, won Nobel Peace pri for Phyisics in 1933, for his Shrodonger wave. -
Quatum Mechanical model.
A model based completely on mathematics. Although more difficult that the Bohr model, it can be used to explain observations made on complex atoms.