The history of Canada

  • Period: 1534 to

    Jaques Cartier begins an electric relationship with the first nations

    Jaques Cartier was unlike other explorers and established a friendly relationship with first nations people. He traded fur items and fire arms.
  • Samuel de Champlain great map maker and French Explorer, founds Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain great map maker and French Explorer, founds Quebec
  • The French try to settle Canada

    The French tried to settle in Quebec city and were saved by indigenous people
  • Period: to

    HBC Owns Ruperts Land

    Rupert land was "exclusive" commercial domain of The Hudson's Bay company
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    Thomas Savery Figured out the steam engine using coal to push the pump
  • Superior steam engine

    Thomas Newmans made a better superior steam engine and patented it
  • The Battle of Quebec between the French and English on the Plains of Abraham

    The Battle of Quebec between the French and English on the Plains of Abraham
    The French army led by General Montcalm battled the English army led by General Wolfe on the plains of Abraham in Quebec. Both generals died in the battle.
  • Period: to

    Industrial revolution

  • Juan Perez arrives on the northern coast of Haida Gwaii

    Juan Perez arrives on the northern coast of Haida Gwaii
  • Captain Cook dies and is cooked

    Captain Cook dies and is cooked
    Captain Cook overstays his welcome after his second visit to Hawaii. After attempting to kidnap the king of Hawaii, as ransom to get back a long boat that was stolen, a fight breaks out and he is mortally stabbed.
  • Cullbert Grant's Birth, the first Metis leader

  • First successful locomotive

    First successful locomotive built by cornish inventor Richard Trevthicks
  • The Puffing billy Steam engine train

    The Puffing billy Steam engine train
    The Puffing Billy is built by Christopher Blackett and William Hendley
  • Selkirk treaty with the Cree

    Selkirk signed a treaty with the Cree and Ojibwa for 100 pounds of tobacco a year.
  • First passenger locomotive operates in England

    George Stephenson built the first locomotive for the public, and it travels from Darlington to Stockton.
  • Robert Stephenson builds "The Rocket"- a steam engine

    Robert Stephenson built the rocket and people began traveling everywhere
  • Period: to

    First child labor laws passed in Britian

    The first general laws against child labour, the factory acts were passed in england Children under 9 years old were not allowed to work over 12 hours a day. Since then the population has been doubling every 50 years.
  • Popineau wrote the famous revolution.

    Popineau wrote the famous revolution. Popineau was respected by Charles clique. He was offered a position in the legislature council. He refused the offer and joined the others to create the 92 rebellions. Many years later Mackenzie would return to upper canada and once again serve in the assembly. He would later become the longest serving prime minister for 22 years.
  • Rebellions

    Canadians with French ancestors didn't like being under British colonial rule. This led to revolts in upper and lower Canada. 325 people died during these revolts and it led to Papineau fleeing to the US.
  • William Lyon McKenzie's Rebellions

    After his rebellion failed he fled to the united states dressed as a woman. He then tried another attack on the British from a boat.
  • Nova Scotia becomes a British Colony

    Nova scotia becomes the first British colony governed by a responsible government
  • Private land purchasing in Canada

    A small number of people purchase land mostly former HBC members
  • The Gold rush

    35000 gold prospectors arrive in BC
  • Frazer River Gold Rush

    Many Americans and Canadian's flocked to the shores of Frazer river in search of gold
  • Cariboo Gold Rush

    Cariboo Gold Rush
    There were many smaller less notable gold rushes through the region from 1864-1898. My great great great grand uncle got extremely rich in this gold rush. His name was John A. Cameron, also known as Cariboo Cameron. He ended up paying for his nephews tuition (my great great grandfather) to become a doctor.
  • Canada asks permission to be a country-British north American act

    Canada asks permission to be a country-British north American act
    Johney Mac Donald askes the queen to become Canada
  • French and English become official Languages

  • Chinese village in Victoria gets developed

  • Thomas Scot was convicted and sentenced to death by firing squad.

    Thomas Scot was convicted and sentenced to death by firing squad after slandering Louis Riels name and being a nuisance to the guards. They originally failed to kill him but the captain of the squad finished him off. This decision to kill Scott was Louis Riels biggest miscalculation as it led to him being painted as the villain and led to him losing the moral high ground.
  • Period: to

    Louis Riel banished from Canada

  • Metis adjust Bison Rules

    Metis adopted stricter rules around bison hunting called Lawes of ST. Laurent
  • The USA Becomes official

    The USA became a country through warfare with Britain and asking the Queen to become a country. Since then the gun laws vary from state to state.
  • Metis lose the battle of Batoche

    Metis lose the war with the Canadian Military at the battle of Batoche. Railway completed “no trains no Canada.”
  • Period: to

    Chinese Immigrant Head Tax

    A prohibited head tax was set by Canadian government making Chinese immigrants pay to enter Canada
  • Louis Riel Hung

    Louis Riel Hung
    He was 41 years old. He was convicted of high treason in Regina. His partner Gabriel Dumont escaped to Montana.
  • Koldike Gold rush

    The first prospector tried to keep the found gold hidden but a year latter thousands of prospectors arrive
  • Public health acts were introduced covering sewers

  • Royal commission Decided Asians were “Unfit for full citizenship” and were “obnoxious”

  • Electric trains are getting built

    Electric trains are getting built
  • Canada joins in the fight of World War I

    Canada joins in the fight of World War I
    Canada declares war against Germany
  • Inflation in Winnipeg

    (Begin of WWI and great depression) in Winnipeg inflation was a massive problem. Bad pays pushed workers out of jobs to protest . A Six week protest followed.
  • Canada joins World War II

    Canada joins World War II
    Canada declares war on Germany, Italy, and Japan
  • Canada signs the Paris agreement, and international agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions

    Canada signs the Paris agreement, and international agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions
  • Canada signs the Kyoto protocol

    Canada signs the Kyoto protocol
    Canada signs on to the Kyoto protocol, an international UN agreement to reduce greenhouse gases.
  • Inflation is a problem

    A huge increase in inflation is a problem for most Canadians.
  • Polution is a problem- we are +1.5C hotter than before the industrial revolution

    Polution is a problem- we are +1.5C hotter than before the industrial revolution
  • We are too reliant on public transportation