The History of Cambodia

  • Prince Norodom Sihanouk

    Prince Norodom Sihanouk becomes king of Cambodia. People are occupied by Japan World War II.
  • A New Constitution

    A new constitution tells Cambodia to form Political Parties. A small, Independent group begin an armed campaign went against the French
  • Cambodia Wins

    Cambodia wins against the French. Now Cambodia has their independence.
  • New King

    Sihanouk wants to proceed with a political career. Sihanouk's father becomes king and Sihanouk becomes the prime minster.
  • New King pt 2

    Sihanouk's father dies so that mean that Sihanouk has to become king again.
  • Going against the US

    Sihanouk disconnects all relations with the US and lets the North Vietnamese set up bases in Cambodia so that they can go against the US- backed government in South Vietnam.
  • US strikes

    The US starts bombing the North Vietnamese but on Cambodian grounds
  • Cambodia loses

    Cambodia loses their territory to the North Vietnamese
  • The downfall

    City dwellers are forced to become agricultural workers. Money becomes "worthless". Educated younger people get tortured and executed. Some die of starvation, exhaustion, and diseases. 1.7 million people died.
  • New Name

    Khi becomes head of the state and Pol Pot is prime minster. The country is renamed Democratic Kampuchea.
  • Small War

    Cambodia and Vietnam start fighting.
  • Vietnamese take Phnom Penh

    The Vietnamese force Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge to go to the border region with Thailand.
  • Refugees

    Hun Sen is now Prime Minster. Guerrilla Warfare plagues Cambodia and then lots of people become refugees.
  • Peace

    Cambodia makes a peace agreement and it is signed in Paris.
  • Renamed again

    The country is renamed again and is called Cambodia. Vietnamese with draws. Hun Sen abandoned socialism, He also tries to attack foreign investment.
  • Monarchy is Restored

    Sihanouk is king and the country is renamed Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • Surrendored

    Lots of people of Khmer Rouge guerrillas had surrendered.
  • Found Guilty

    Prince Ranariddh was found guilty of arms smuggling.
  • Re-election

    Hun Sen is re-elected.
  • Resigns

    Sam Rainsy resigns from CNRP.
  • Coup

    Hun Sen goes against the prime minster. Then Prince Ranariddh replaces him with another person. Pol Pot got put on trial and got sentenced to life in prison by Khmer Rouge.