
The history of basketball

  • the birth of basketball

    the birth of basketball
    in 1891 this sport it first apeared
  • Basketball in china and irán

    Basketball reached to irán and china
  • Basketball in Inglaterra

    Basketball reached to Inglaterra
  • Basketball in south América

    Basketball reached to brazil, there extends throughout south América
  • Players in teams.

    in a basketball team is need to meet 5 players
  • Basketball un cuba

    Basketball reached to cuba, by americano soldiers
  • basketball in yugoslavia

    Basketball is introduced into Yugoslavia. Rape and excels in personal foul penalties . Accidentally appears the figure of the pivot player, with its consequent inner game between the post and center .
  • regulation of faults

    Personal fouls , penalty determined as two free throws if the player was making a pitch and a free throw for technical fouls are regulated Established as a measure of pitch : 25x15 m . with 2x1 cm . variation
  • FIBA inaguration

    In Geneva it is based F.I.B.A. (International Federation of Amateur Basketball) . The three-second rule is introduced. The midfield line .Quedando thus defined the field in two distinct parts (the field of attack and defense ) and entering the 10 second rule is introduced. After cetas , the game is resumed with a jump ball in midfield opponents . The defenses are becoming stronger areas , due to the appearance of the screen and below.
  • The C.O.I. accepted as an Olympic sport basketball

    The C.O.I. accepted as an Olympic sport basketball . Each player can a game be reinstated twice. In case of tie , and after the two extra periods elapsed , he won the first team to become a basket in the third extra period.
  • Women's basketball integrates F.I.B.A.

    Women's basketball integrates F.I.B.A. The number of substitute players 2-5 are wide . Three people per team Included times . Each basket after play resumed by the team that just make the basket with a throw from the end line . Due to long after basket from the en line , the pressing begins to appear. Popularized launching with one hand.
  • The first basketball games broadcast on television

    The first basketball games broadcast on television from Madison Square Garden. Two referees , a stopwatch and a notebook are established in each official party. It appears the first form of modern counter
  • first South American championship held female

    In Chile the first South American championship held female . In Europe appear transparent glass panels . Since this year began to be used as a tactical counter- attack system .
  • modifies restricted zone extending its action

    It modifies restricted zone extending its action. -Ball offensive was developed , introducing changes of pace and direction and feints reception . With the development of launch and penetration inks it is forced to develop defensive resources against the dribble .
  • 5 fouls and out

    The teams have 5 personal fouls , after which each fault is penalized with a free kick. Time position of the ball in 24 seconds is set . The score improved from 79.5 points to 93.1 on average. La puntuación mejoró de 79.5 puntos a 93.1 en promedio.