Assignment 14 pic

The History of Automobiles

  • Start of the vehicle

    The first vehicle to move under its own power was designed by Nicholas Joseph Cugnot and constructed by M. Brezin in 1769.
  • 2nd unit of the vehicle

    A second unit was built in 1770 which weighed 8000 pounds and had a top speed on 2 mile/hour
  • blueprint for modern car

    blueprint for the modern automobile was perfected in Germany and France
  • First Gasoline powered car

    ready for road trials by September, 1893 the car built by Charles and Frank Duryea, brothers, was the first gasoline powered car in America.
  • first modern car

    “The 1901 Mercedes, designed by Wilhelm Maybach is credited for being the first modern motorcar in all essentials."
  • Daimier

    "Daimler employed some seventeen hundred workers to produce fewer than a thousand cars per year”"
  • U.S.A Production

    "United States produced some 485,000 of the world total of 606,124 motor vehicles.”
  • "The Big Three"

    "Henry Ford innovated mass-production techniques that became standard, with Ford, General Motors and Chrysler emerging as the “Big Three” auto companies by the 1920s."
  • Expansion of american urban centers

    "Once vital to the expansion of American urban centers, the industry had become a shared global enterprise with the rise of Japan as the leading automaker"