Dutch Arrival
The first Europeans to sail to Austrailia were the Dutch in 1606 -
Dutch never came back
the Dutch came but left and never came back because of an Aborigian Attack -
Captain Cook
Captain James Cooksailed around Austaila. He named the land New South Wales. he ignored the Aborigines and took over their native land -
The First Convicts
The American Revolution forced the British to stop sending convicts to Georgia, so they started sending them to Austraila -
First Fleet
British Ships called the First Fleet sailed to Austraila to establish the first penal colony -
Port Arthur
From 1833, until the 1850s, Port Arthur was the destination for the hardest of convicted British and Irish criminals, those who were secondary offenders having re-offended after their arrival in Australia. -
A Real Good Place
Great Britain saw that Australia was a good location to base its Britan saw Austraila was a good place to have as a navy base in the South Pacific Ocean
Its location would make it possible for British ships to make repairs & get supplies -
New Boundaries
Government officials created boundaries for the colonies that are still in place today -
The Commonwealth
January 1, 1901: the Commonwealth of Australia was established.
Melbourne served as the national capital until Canberra was completed in 1927 -
Immigration Restriction Act
Immigration Restriction Act of 1901: restricted migration to people of European descent
This was dismantled after the Second World War. -
Australia Act
1986: Australia Act cut off all legal ties with the British Empire -
Australia on Race Today
Today, Australia has a global, non-discriminatory policy and is home to people from more than 200 countries! -
Australian Government Today
Today, Australia is a parliamentary democracy (constitutional monarchy) with Elizabeth II as queen