First Head Mounted System
Ivan Sutherland developed the first head mounted display system. It used computer generated images to show users simple wire frame drawings. -
Myron Kreuger created an artificial laboratory called Videoplace. It used cameras and projectors to surround users with a visual lab. -
Boeing researcher Tom Cordell coins the phrase 'augmented reality' -
Virtual Fixtures
Louis Rosenburg develops Virtual Fixtures, one of the earliest working AR systems, for the Air Force. An upper body exoskeleton allowed the military to control virtually guided machinery from a remote location. -
Julie Martin creates the first ever AR theatre production, 'Dancing in Cyberspace' -
The first AR yellow first down line is shown during the 1998 Superbowl. -
Nasa X-38 Spacecraft is flown using Hybrid Synthetic Vision system that uses augmented reality to overlay map data to provide advanced mapping and route planning. -
Hirokatu Kazo
Hirokatu Kazo creates open source software named ARToolKit. This is still used to widely compliment many Augmented Reality experiences - including 2016's Pokemon Go. -
Web Browsers
ARToolKit brings AR to web browsers -
Print Media
Esquire Magazine prompted users to scan a page to see Rob Downey Junior to come alive on the page - a first for print media. -
Car manufacturers start to use augmented reality for interactive manuals in car software. Voltswagen MARTA app allows technicians to see what a repair will look like on a car before they have made the fix. -
Google Glass
Google announce the first shipments of Google Glass 1 - this starts the modern trend of wearable augmented reality. -
Big Money
Magic Leap announce the largest investment in AR to date with a $50 million sum. -
Augmented and Virtual reality investment reaches $700m in this year. -
Microsoft HoloLens Developer Kit ships this year - their first stab into AR Technology. -
Augmented Reality investment reaches $1.1bn