Apple 1
The Apple 1 was the first ever personal computer the founders of Apple Inc (Steve Jobs & Steven Wozniak) had ever made and it was Steve Jobs that insisted that the Apple 1 should be put into the market to be sold. So this was how Apple started as a company, making a personal computer that - you could say - revolutionised the world and technology of personal computers and electronics. Fact:
It was priced at $666.66 when it debuted. -
Period: to
Apple through the Ages
The First Mac - Apple Macintosh Original (128K)
The first ever Mac was the Macintosh Original (128K) or just Macintosh 128K which was -
Steve Jobs 'Leaves' Apple
There was a power struggle between John Sculley and Steve Jobs within the company - in which Sculley had won because the board of directors had sided with him. Sculley then had taken over the company for another 8 years until he himself left the company. Jobs had returned to a struggling Apple 12 years later to make it into the successful company now. Side Note: John Sculley had been CEO of Apple since April 18, 1983 - because Steve Jobs had been busy working on the Macintosh. -
Steve Jobs Returns
On this day, Apple - whilst in it's struggling times - buys Steve Jobs company NeXT and brings Steve Jobs back. This was a major event for Apple because the technology that NeXT had been used as the foundation for the Mac OS X operating system. -
The (Online) Apple Store
When Apple had bought Steve Job's company, NeXT. They had took the idea of the WebObjects application server and made it into the online retail store; The Apple Store. This was a different marketing technique to target a wider audience by utilizing the power of the web. -
Original iMac (iMac G3)
This was the first iMac manufactered and was one of the many products produced to help with Apple's comeback. It was quite popular because of the vibrant colours avaliable and it was noted for the innovative idea of using translucent and brightly-coloured plastic. It was discontinued on March 18, 2003. -
Mac OS X
The introduction of the new operating system Mac OS X was a great leap forward for Apple because this was world changing. It had been one of the most advanced operating system for when it was introduced then and can be debatable that it is currently the most advanced operating system too. -
The Start of the chain Retail Stores (Apple Stores)
In May, Apple had annouced that they would start a line of retail stores especially for Apple products and it was centered around the majority of the USA. The stores had 2 purposes, 1) to stem the tide of Apple's declining share of the computer market, 2) to respond to the poor marketing of Apple products at third-party retail outlets. ((Wikipedia)) -
The 1st iPhone!
Video of Steve Jobs Introducing the 'New' iPhone
This release of the first iPhone had excited everyone because it was speculated by many people to be very good and high-tech for their generation. The first iPhone of course can't really compare to the current iPhones but it was quite a phone for people then so Apple made quite a bit of money for when they released it. -
Apple Computer Inc. -> Apple Inc.
Apple was intially named Apple Computer but computer was dropped when Steve Jobs explains that since Apple is a company that develops and produces a diversity of electronics - that includes computers but doesn't solely revolve around it - it shouldn't have computer in it's name anymore. Also coincedentally, Steve Jobs announced the change in the company's name - publically - on the same day as when he introduced the first iPhone - ever. -
The Introduction of the Lightning Cable
The introduction of the lightning cable was a semi-revolutionary event because this switch from the USB cable to the lightning cable had really improved the charging functions of Apple products - for many that is. Although I say that it's had lots of praise from the customers, there is actually many people that are unsatisfied about the new cable. Meaning that there are actually quite mixed views on it. -
iOS 7
iOS 7 was definitely a big event for Apple because they totally changed the apperance of the user interface and while there are many good views on it, there are many bad ones. There were actually a lot of lawsuits against Apple saying that they had stole the ideas from Samsung.