It was created in 1827by an English physician John Ayeton Paris which his two different drawings in two sides and when the disk is spun, it becomes one imagehttp://www.experimentsinmotion.com/media/files/120ce2533a496f481bfd65a29cee32f9.jpg</a>
Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau and his sons made the phenakistoscope (spindle viewer). It was also invented alone in the same year by Simon von Stampfer of Vienna,Austria
https://www.sccgov.org/sites/parks/Education/PublishingImages/50377elkwhlpc.gif -
Created by William Horner and first named it a Daedalum or "Wheel of the Devil", but it was renamed as the zoetrope or "Wheel of Life"
https://zoetropic.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/zoetrope15.gif -
Created by Charles-Emile Reynaud. It was an improved model of the zeotrope by replacing the narrow viewing slits with inner circle of mirrors so the reflections of the pictures appeared stationary in place when the wheel is turning
http://brightbytes.com/collection/images/new_prax.jpg -
Walt Disney
Walt Disney followed the lead of motion picture studios and relocated California
http://www.movemequotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/tumblr_mrrloeHsjz1rbgvnpo1_500.gif -
Steamboat Willie
Walt Disney was the first animator who used sound by releasing Steamboat Willie
http://sites.lafayette.edu/fams101-sp15/files/2015/03/yHtAWRPQUqK3uWHhdgX56j8NwcI.jpg -
Golden age of Animation
Film studios were in California and had alot of animation departments