The history of animation

  • birth of photography

    birth of photography
    photography was invented by joseph niepce
  • Thaumatrope

    was created in 1827 which this device has two diffrent drawimgs on opposite sides of a disk, when the disk is spun the images merge into one.
  • phenakistoscope

    used a spinning disc attached vertically to a handle the user would spin the disc and look through the moving slits at the disc reflection in a mirror
  • zoetrope

    this device consisted of a cylinder with slits cut vertically in the sides as it would spin the user looked through the slits at the pictures across
  • developing images

    louis daguerre developed a new process for developing images called tin type photos also known as daguerre
  • matthew brady

    matthew brady
    became well known by taking photos of the war
  • praxinoscope

    invented in france in 1877 by charles - emile reynawd this improved on the zoetrope by replacing its narrow viewing slits with an inner circle of mirrors so that the pictures appeared more or less in position as the wheel turned
  • george eastman

    george eastman
    his kodak camera marketed
  • motion pictures in america

    motion pictures in america
    thomas alva edison developed a motion picture camera (the kinetograph)in 1891 he filmed random events
  • improvement of photography

    the technology behind photography improved dramatically in the last half of the 19th century