The History of American Public Schools- Carlee Williams- EDUC 5113

  • Colonial Schooling

    Colonial Schooling
    In Pre-Revolutionary America, not everyone was required to build schools. Only the larger towns of the 13 Colonies were. In places beyond New England education was not public nor free. If they wanted a school, people pulled resources together to hire a teacher. School was linked to religious ties. Colonial Schooling is important because it taught students to obey authority. It prepared them for the role of adulthood and the schools helped build the Nation when George Washington became President.
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    Catharine Beecher Image-
    Michals, D. (2015). Catharine Esther Beecher. Retrieved March 04, 2018, from Colonial Schooling Image-
    Dittrich, C. (n.d.). Schooling, Education, and Literacy, In Colonial America. Retrieved March 04, 2018, from
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    Sources 2

    Frederick Douglass Image-
    Franklin, R. E. (2017, December 09). Why Frederick Douglass Despised, Then Loved Abraham Lincoln. Retrieved March 04, 2018, from Noah Webster Image-
    Noah Webster House &. (n.d.). Retrieved March 04, 2018, from
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    Sources 3

    Thomas Jefferson Image- Staff. (2009). Thomas Jefferson. Retrieved March 04, 2018, from Documentary-
    S., & Z. (2011, October 05). School: The Story of American Public Education (5 of 6). Retrieved March 04, 2018, from
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson received an education that only the wealthy was able to receive. Jefferson, as a member of the Virginia Assembly drafted a proposal that guaranteed all children 3 years of public schooling. Jefferson did not offer schooling to slaves. so they risked their lives to learn. The last educational battle he fought, led to the creation of the University of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson is a key figure because he fought for public education and let it be known that it is an essential.
  • Noah Webster

    Noah Webster
    Noah Webster was known to be the School Master of America. He published a textbook known as The Blue Back Speller that taught students about the United States. This textbook was significant because it differentiated British English from what we know now has American English.
  • Catherine Beecher

    Catherine Beecher
    She was the sister of author, Harriet Beecher Stowe. She promoted female teachers and did not just see teaching as an opportunity to teach. She believed that teaching was a woman's moral calling. Beecher founded colleges that not only trained women but trained them for service out in the west. Catherine Beecher is important to public education because she made teaching respectable for middle class women. She created a profession for women and created a new ethic in schools.
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    Douglass was an escaped slave and abolitionist who encouraged African American parents and reformers to debate strategies that they could protest. He wanted to and encouraged others to aim to obtain admission for children into the nearest and best schoolhouse and one that was in their own neighborhood. His actions such as the petition and encouragement was critical in ending segregation in public schools. He believed that they had the right just as the white child did.