The History of American Education

  • Massachusetts School Law

    Massachusetts School Law
    Massachusets School Law of 1642 stated that an education in reading and writing was required for children.
  • Dame Schools

    Dame Schools
    An early form of private elementary school in English- speaking countries. These schools were usually taught by women.
  • During the time of the Revolutionary War

    During the time of the Revolutionary War
    Most americans were educated enough to read the Bible, the newspaper, and figure their taxes.
  • Jefferson's Proposal

    Jefferson's Proposal
    Jefferson drafted a proposal to guarantee three years of public school for all children as well as an advanced education for a select few.
  • Noah Webster

    Noah Webster
    Noah Webster, who has been called the "Father of American Scholarship and Education," founded the Blueback Speller with the purpose of instructing students about the United States and its inhabitants.
  • Horace Mann, "Father of the Common School"

    Horace Mann, "Father of the Common School"
    Mann was the first to serve as State Secretary on the Board of Education in Massachusetts. He traveled across the country on horseback to inspect the various school districts. He visited over 1,000 schools during the course of six years and said that the "Common School" should know no distinction between the rich and the poor.
  • Average School Attendance is 4 months and cost $2.81 per pupil

    Average School Attendance is 4 months and cost $2.81 per pupil
  • One half of New York residents are foreign born and many are Irish immigrants.

    One half of New York residents are foreign born and many are Irish immigrants.
  • The Great Shool Debates which focused on tax funding for schools of diverse religions.

    The Great Shool Debates which focused on tax funding for schools of diverse religions.
  • John Hughes, an Irish Cahtolic clergyman, is bishop of New York.

    John Hughes, an Irish Cahtolic clergyman, is bishop of New York.
    Bishop Hughes instigated and fought many battles to prevent Catholic students from being indoctrinated with the beliefs of Protestantism. He was responsible for establishing private Catholic schools.
  • The Philadelphia Bible Riots

    The Philadelphia Bible Riots
    The riots were a result of rising anti-Catholic sentiment amongst the rapidly growing population of the Irish Catholic immigrants.
  • Roberts versus Boston reaches the Supreme Court

    Roberts versus Boston reaches the Supreme Court
    Benjamin Roberts, an African American, sues the city of Boston for not having allowed his daughter enrollment into a school where the poplulation was white. Judge Shaw rules against Roberts.
  • The power of John Huges

    Now archbishop of New York, Hughes has the authority to establish private Catholic schools as an alternative form of education.
  • First School Law in the Nation which abolished segregation in schools.

    First School Law in the Nation which abolished segregation in schools.
    This happened in the state of Massachusetts.
  • The End of the American Civil War

    The End of the American Civil War
    At this point in time, 4 million slaves were now free to become literate.
  • U.S. Annual School Enrollment: 7.6 million. Expenditures: $63 million.

    U.S. Annual School Enrollment: 7.6 million. Expenditures: $63 million.
  • Catharine Beecher was an American educator who saw teaching as a woman's calling.

    Catharine Beecher was an American educator who saw teaching as a woman's calling.
    Beecher made teaching a respectable profession for middle class women. She endeavoured to establish literature, standards of behavior, and national ideals within the school system.
  • U.S. Annual Enrollment: 12.7 million. Annual Expenditures: $141 million.

    U.S. Annual Enrollment: 12.7 million.  Annual Expenditures:  $141 million.
  • United States is providing more schooling than any other nation.

    United States is providing more schooling than any other nation.
  • John Dewey, "The Father of Progressive Education" and author of "School and Society."

    John Dewey, "The Father of Progressive Education" and author of "School and Society."
    Dewey believed school should be anchored in the whole child: that is the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of the child.
  • An Urban Nation

    An Urban Nation
    The day after the arrival of one ship from Europe, 125 children applied to a New York school.
  • Averagae Schooling: 5 years

  • 50% of children are in school while 2 million others are working across America

    50% of children are in school while 2 million others are working across America
  • World Steel Company was built on the shores of Lake Michigan causing people to flock to this location for work. This caused a rapid growth in the public schools which led to the Gary Plan.

    World Steel Company was built on the shores of Lake Michigan causing people to flock to this location for work.  This caused a rapid growth in the public schools which led to the Gary Plan.
  • The Gary Plan

    The Gary Plan
    William Wert becomes the superintendent of schools in Gary, Indiana and implements a new curriculum based upon a work-study-play system.
  • Lewis Terman, an American psychologist from Stanford is known as the inventor of the Stanford-Binet IQ test.

    Lewis Terman, an American psychologist from Stanford is known as the inventor of the Stanford-Binet IQ test.
  • John Mitchel, Mayor of New York, implements the Gary Plan in 30 N.Y. schools.

    At this point in time, educators from 200 American cities are adopting the Gary Plan.
  • John Haylan attacks the Gary Plan and claims it a plot for child labor.

    This political race was won by a landslide resulting in the termination of the Gary Plan in all schools where it had been established.
  • America enters WWI

    America enters WWI
  • Public School Expenditure: $1 Billion; 17 year olds graduating from high school: 17%.

    Public School Expenditure: $1 Billion; 17 year olds graduating from high school: 17%.
  • Over one million children are tested for mental aptitude.

    Over one million children are tested for mental aptitude.
    This movement dominated its focus on the mental aptitude of the student rather than academic achievement.
  • Many Mexican-Americans are marginalized as slow learners and thus standardly placed on certain career tracks. Many students lost the opportunity to develop their diverse talents.

  • Average School Attendance: 9 years.

  • African Americans were segregated by law in 17 states.

    African Americans were segregated by law in 17 states.
  • Average Schooling for Mexican Americans: 5.4 years. For disabled children not in school: 72%

  • NAACP enlisted 13 black parents to enroll their children in white schools near their home.

  • Arthur Besor published "Educational Wasteland"

    Arthur Besor published "Educational Wasteland"
    Bestor, who was against the progressive movement, led a campaign for return back to basic academic subjects.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Supreme Court rules against segregation.
  • The Governor of Arkansas called the national guard to keep out 9 black students of Little Rock High School.

    The Governor of Arkansas called the national guard to keep out 9 black students of Little Rock High School.
    President Eisenhower sent federal troops to enforce the law.
  • Sputnik

    Russians beat the Americans to space. This left the country wondering how it had happened and resulted in a heavy concentration in the maths and sciences.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    A federal law which banned discrimination on basis of race or ethnicity in all federally funded programs, most notably public schools.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This was passed under President Johnson as part of his "War on Poverty." During the couse of 4 years, 4 billion dollars were given to the aid of disadvantaged students.
  • 16 year olds planning to attend college: 85%

    16 year olds planning to attend college: 85%
  • In Texas, 75% of Mexican Americans drop out by the 8th grade.

  • Chrystal City Controversy

    87% of Chrystal City High School was Mexican-American while 75% of the faculty was anglo-American. After much controversy, 3/4 of the Chicano students go on strike.
  • Chrystal City Victory: 4 seats are filled in the School Board by Mexican-Americans.

    Chrystal City Victory: 4 seats are filled in the School Board by Mexican-Americans.
  • 91% of black children attend integrated schools.

    91% of black children attend integrated schools.
  • Title IX Education Admendments

    Title IX Education Admendments
    Closely modeled after the Civil Rights movement and prohibited federal grants to schools or programs that discriminated on the base of gender.
  • Bilingual Education Act gets a boost from the Supreme Court.

    Bilingual Education Act gets a boost from the Supreme Court.
  • East Harlem creates small alternative schools in existing school buildings.

    East Harlem creates small alternative schools in existing school buildings.
  • Dorothy Raffel, a 14 year old girl, charges federal government to enforce Title IX.

    Dorothy Raffel, a 14 year old girl, charges federal government to enforce Title IX.
    She tried to apply for the boys 8th grade basketball team but couldn't get in.
  • Results of Dorothy Raffel's battle: within two decades of this victory, 40% of all athletes are female.

    Results of Dorothy Raffel's battle: within two decades of this victory, 40% of all athletes are female.
  • Average School Attendance: 12.5 years

    Average School Attendance:  12.5 years
  • African Americans graduating from high school: 51.4%

    African Americans graduating from high school: 51.4%
  • Medical and Law degrees awarded to women: 30%

    Medical and Law degrees awarded to women: 30%
  • President Reagan addresses the "Learning Crisis"

    President Reagan addresses the "Learning Crisis"
    Schools are asked to compete in a business driven world.
  • Voucher system is implemented in the state of Wisconsin.

    Voucher system is implemented in the state of Wisconsin.
  • EAI=Education Alternative, Inc.

    EAI=Education Alternative, Inc.
    Baltimore City hired this private company to mangage 9 of its pulic schools for the purpose of running schools efficiently, boosting test scores, and still making a profit.
  • Voucher Debate

    Voucher Debate
    Vouchers are wanted for religious schools but the Supreme Court rules against it in the defense of the founding laws of the country which separate the church and state.
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 1500 students use voucher system.

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin:  1500 students use voucher system.
  • Under President Clinton, congress approves $80 million to aid in construction of new charter schools.

    Under President Clinton, congress approves $80 million to aid in construction of new charter schools.
  • The state of Arizona signed a contract with EAI to run over one dozen charter schools with themes of choice and competition.

    The state of Arizona signed a contract with EAI to run over one dozen charter schools with themes of choice and competition.
  • Christian movement leads to legalization of homeschooling in all 50 states.

    Christian movement leads to legalization of homeschooling in all 50 states.
  • Charter Schools run by "For Profit" companies: 173.

    Charter Schools run by "For Profit" companies: 173.
  • Children enrolled in public school: almost 90% = 48 million.

    Children enrolled in public school: almost 90% = 48 million.
  • Charter Schools: 2,100. Regular Public Schools: 90,000.

    Charter Schools: 2,100.  Regular Public Schools: 90,000.
  • Statistics: 77 million children and adults are enrolled in school. The level of these students ranged from nursery school to college.

    Statistics: 77 million children and adults are enrolled in school.  The level of these students ranged from nursery school to college.