Banking trend cover

The History of American Banking

  • Period: to

    Evolution of Banking

  • First Colonial Notes

    First Colonial Notes
    First paper money is introduced to the colonies by the Massachusetts Bay Colony .
  • Dollar Approved by Congress

    Dollar Approved by Congress
    The official monetary system becomes based of the dollar.
  • First Bank of the United States

    First Bank of the United States
    Established in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and named the Bank of North America.
  • Creation of US Mint

    Creation of US Mint
    Congress passes The Coinage Act, which creates the Mint and authorized construction of a Mint building at the nation's capital, Philadelphia.
  • Federal Monetary System Established.

    Federal Monetary System Established.
    First American coins made in 1793.
  • Second Bank of the US Established in Philadelphia

    Second Bank of the US Established in Philadelphia
    Manages 25 branch offices nationwide by 1832.
  • Private Banks Issue Paper Money

    Private Banks Issue Paper Money
    1,600 state-chartered, private banks issue state bank notes.
  • Discovery of Gold

    Discovery of Gold
    As the Gold Rush progresses, local banks and gold dealers issued banknotes or drafts, locally accepted paper currency, in exchange for gold.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    Congress authorizes the United States Treasury to issue paper money for the first time in the form of non-interest bearing treasury notes, called demand notes.
  • Demand Notes replaced by United States Notes.

    Demand Notes replaced by United States Notes.
    United States Notes, or Greenbacks, were last issued in 1971.
  • Beginning of the Secret Service

    Beginning of the Secret Service
    The Department of the Treasury establishes the United States Secret Service to control counterfeits.
  • First Time Lock

    First Time Lock
    The first time lock is installed to prevent criminals from extracting vault information from employees and stop entry by staff at unauthorized times.
  • Earthquake Devastates San Francisco

    Earthquake Devastates San Francisco
    Banks destroyed, leaving the vaults heated but in tact.
  • Federal Reserve System Established

    Federal Reserve System Established
    Created by an Act of Congress to serve as the nation's central bank.
  • Great Depression Begins

    Great Depression Begins
    Unemployment in the US rises to 25% and internations trade plunges by 50%. An average of 70 banks fail annually.
  • Uniformity of Currency

    Uniformity of Currency
    Currency is reduced in size by 25% and standardized with uniform portraits on the faces and emblems and monuments on the back.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Declares a National Bank Holiday

    Franklin D. Roosevelt Declares a National Bank Holiday
    In order to restore public confidence in the nation's banking system, Roosevelt calls for all nation's banks to close.
  • Security Thread and Microprinting Introduced

    Security Thread and Microprinting Introduced
    A security thread is a thin ribbon threaded through a note's paper to prevent conterfeiting.
  • Checks Gain Popularity

    Checks Gain Popularity
    Checks become a new method of payment without the need to carry large amounts of money.
  • "In God We Trust"

    "In God We Trust"
    Congress requires all currency issued with the inscription "In God We Trust". All currency Series 1963 and beyond is printed with this statement.
  • First ATM to Distribute Money

    First ATM to Distribute Money
    Called the Docuteller, the machine was installed in a wall of the Chemical Bank in Rockville Centre, New York.
  • Financial Deregulation

    Financial Deregulation
    The distinction between commercial and savings banks is virtually eliminated.
  • Congress Passes FIRREA

    Congress Passes FIRREA
    Abolishes the independence of the savings and loan industry and transferred insurance responsibilities to the FDIC.
  • 50 State Quarters Program Act

    50 State Quarters Program Act
    Five new quarters released every year between 1999-2008.
  • Redesign of $5 and $10 Bills

    Redesign of $5 and $10 Bills
    Oversized pictures of Abraham Lincoln and Alexander Hamilton are slightly off-center and makes conterfeiting more difficult.
  • Three US Banks Exceed $3 Trillion Dollars in Assets

    Three US Banks Exceed $3 Trillion Dollars in Assets
    Number of banks increases, interest rates are lowered and a housing boom occurs.
  • Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act Signed

    Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act Signed
    Also called Check 21, substitues paper checks for digital images which can then be used to process checks electronically.
  • Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act Signed

    Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act Signed
    Designed to reduce the regulatory burdens on banks, savings and loans, and credit unions.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Failure of major US banks causes the Stock Market to lose 21% of its value in a week.
  • Banking Act of 1933

     Banking Act of 1933
    President Roosevelt establishes the FDIC to provide deposit insurance to banks snd regulate state non-member banks