The History of Aden Apolzan

  • Breaking My Arm

    When I was only five years old, my grandmother took me to a park near her apartment complex. The park had monkey bars, going towards a long slide, so I decided to make my way across. I slipped and fell, landing on my feet. I felt fine until I started walking. My left arm couldn't swing like my right, it was broken. This experience made me way more careful when on any playground.
  • Arriving at Cedar Point for the First Time

    Back in 2016, my grandmother took me to Cedar Point for the very first time. I loved it there, of course, who wouldn't? The roller coasters are something else, even the water park is great. When I had figured out we weren't leaving and actually spending the night there, in some massive hotel, I was filled with joy.
    I've been to Cedar Point around 20 times since then and these trips helped me to appreciate my family and the things people do for me at such a young age.
  • Learning to Ride a Bike

    I was set off to learn how to ride a bike all by myself, no help from anyone. I believe this was lesson my parents wanted to teach me. You can't always look for someone to help you and drag you along.