John legend

The History of a Legend

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    Home Life

    John Roger Stephens AKA John Legend, spent many of his formative years in a musically inclined and religious family, being taught by his grandmother how to play the piano. Legend was raised in a loving home with an abundance of support, here one can argue nature versus nurture takes effect. Not only the women, but the adults he was close to growing up played a heavy role in Legend's life and helped shape Legend into who he is today. We see that in his advocacy for gender equaliy.
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    Music Career

    Legend has vocally expressed his desire for equity and justice, for as an artist he has a unique opportunity to reach to people divided. To challenge stereotypes. We see some of his work in some of his most notable songs, one such titled "Preach" which is about witnessing events/issues without them being addressed or changes being made. Another is titled "Glory" which aims to inspire change and invoke unity. Legend's gift, and status, influence him to be more proactive to invoke needed change.
  • The People Speak

    The People Speak
    During the year, Legend performed in a documentary that detailed the lives of everyday Americans called "The People Speak". I believe Legend's experiences with the documentary, hearing from multiple different people regardless of race, gender, or social status, influenced his desire for Gender Equality. At the end of the day, we're all human, Legend experienced this himself, it's these experiences that undoubtedly remain a solid foundation as he advocates for the voiceless, for equality.
  • "Chime for Change"

    "Chime for Change"
    During Gucci's Global concert which aimed to raise awareness for women's social issues, Legend publicly announced himself to the world identifying as a feminist. I find the moment as a catalyst but also a stepping stone, it's one of Legend's most definable yet influential moments. He showed the world where he stood, brought attention to his cause, and would later find himself in even more campaigns/movements that aim for Gender Equality.