Constantine is gone
Constantine is gone, and skeeter is upset. She dosnt know what to do, an is planning on finding her. -
Skeeter comes back from college. She is divistated that Constantine is gone. She is planing on looking for her, but her mother said she went to Chicago for family purposes. Skeeter questions why Consantine wouldnt tell her this before she left. -
Skeeters Interview's
Skeeter is interviewing local mainds about there experiences working for white families. She is writing a book for the journalist in New York about what bothers her the most an not other peple arounf her. -
The Book
Skeeter is writing a book about the local mainds experiences. -
The Laws
Skeeter wants to change the Jim Crow Laws. Lots of racial events are bothering her. -
Bad News
Skeeter calls Elaine Stein in New York and now knows that the manuscript wont be going to new york by december 21, so the book wont be read. She is devistated. -
Constintine died
Constantine and Lula went back to Chicago together, and Constantine died three weeks later. -
Good news
On a Monday night Skeeter visits Aibieen with good news. The book The Help, is being printed about five thousand more copies. -
The End
The next morning Skeeter is going to Chicago to visit Constantines grave. After that, she is flying to New York for her new career as the writter she always wanted to be.