The Help

By og6660
  • Period: to

    The Help

  • Change?

    Skeeter asks Aibileen if she wishes things could change. What she means is does Aibileen wish there was no more segregation. Aibileen does not answer because she does not know if she can trust Skeeter.
  • Minny Finds a Job

    Minny Finds a Job
    After many rumors and lies spread like wildfire about Minny Jackson, making it hard for her to find work, she finally finds a job working for Miss Celia.
  • Ole Miss Riot

    James Meredith was admitted into the very segregated school of Ole Miss in Mississippi.
  • Ms. Myrna

    Ms. Myrna
    Skeeter finds a job writing a cleaning advice column for a newspaper. The column was previously written by "Ms. Myrna" and Skeeter continues to go under this name. Since she knows nothing about cleaning, she pays Aibileen part of her pay check to answer the questions.
  • Help

    Skeeter begins to interview and write Aibileen's story of what it is like being a black maid working for a white family and her experiences. (Soon she starts writing story and then later on she gets quite a few more maids to tell her their stories.)
  • Oops!

    Skeeter acidentally left her bag with all the interviews in the somewhere. Miss Hilly found it, but luckily only saw a booklet of Jim Crow laws. Skeeter got her bag back before Hilly could find anything else.
  • I Have A Dream

    I Have A Dream
    Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech on this day.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Over 200,000 people gathered in Wasington, D.C. for a political rally for jobs and freedom. This even is known as the March on Wasington.
  • The Benefit

    The Benefit
    The Benefit does not go how Hilly wanted it to. Celia showed a little to much skin for this formal event. Also, she ripped Hilly's sleeve and vomited on the carpet from being too drunk. Hilly's mother wins Hilly a pie baked by her old maid at the auction, which upsets Hilly a lot.
  • Assassination

    Presedent John F. Kennedy was assassinated on this day.
  • Bitter Sweet News

    Skeeter found out that Harper and Row wants to publish her book, but only a few thousand copies & low profit. (Soon after it was published they printed a few more thousand copies because of high demand.)
  • Civil Rights

    The Civil Rights act for equal employment opportunity commission was signed into law on this day.
  • Published

    The book that Skeeter has put together has finally been published and put into stores to be sold. The author has been set as Anonymous to protect Skeeter and the maids in another way.
  • New York!

    Skeeter is offered a writing job for Harper & Row in New York. She wasn't sure whether or not to take the job because she didn't want to leave Aibileen and Minny with the huge mess they had, but they convinced her to take the job. Skeeter gave her Ms. Myrna job to Aibileen because she was a good writer.
  • Revenge

    Over the course of the month, Hilly gets revenge on Aibileen and Minny because she figured out that they helped with the book.
    Hilly arranged to get Leroy (Minny's abusive husband) fired. Leroy takes the matter into his own hands and tries to kill Minny. She escaped with her children and went to live with her sister for awhile.
    Hilly convinced Elizabeth (Aibileen's employer) to fire Aibileen. Skeeter gave Aibleen her job writing the cleaning advice column.