Aibileen gets hired to work at the Leefolts house
Skeeter gets a job to write the Ms.Myrna column for the newspaper. She asks Elizabeth if she can talk to Aibileen for some advice since the column is about cleaning.
At a party Elizabeth is hosting Hilly tell about her new bill she's trying to get passed. This bill is that blacks must have their own outside bathroom.
Hilly has an initiative she wants put into the newspaper so she asks Skeeter to put it in for her. This initiative is about a coat drive she is in charge of.
Skeeter finds out that the maid who raised her, Constitine, didn't quit she actually got fired.
Skeeter tells Aibileen about her idea for writing about the help and their view on life.
Elizabeth decides Skeeter cant keep coming over to talk to Aibileen. Skeeter and Aibileen plan to meet at Aibileens house to help write the book.
Hilly and her mom fight over whether or not Minnie can use the inside bathroom. Hilly is highly against Minnie using her bathroom and tells her to go outside, but her mom says to just go inside. Minnie goes inside, and Hilly gets mad and fires her.
Minnie tells Aiblileen she did a terrible awful thing to Hilly. But she doesnt say what.
Minnie gets back at Hilly for hiring her. She brought her one of her famous chocolate pies, but this pie has a specail ingredient...Minnies' poop.
Since Minnie got fired and can no longer pay the bills she sent her oldest daughter off to work.
Minnie goes to Celia Footes' house to talk to her about getting a job. Celia was glad to hire her.
Hilly keeps asking Skeeter why her initiative isn't in the newspaper, so finally Skeeter puts it in but "accidently" says that Hilly is in need of commodes instead of coats.
Everyone comes and puts their old commodes in Hillys' front yard.
Minnie decides to help with the book
Skeeter talks with the publisher and she says that in order to publish this book she must find more maids to interview and be a part of the book.
Celia has a miscarrage. She tells Minnie that the only reason her and Johnny got married is because she was pregnant and that he wants kids now.
All the maids decide to help with Skeeters' book.
Skeeter talks to the publisher again, this time she says the book must be done in three weeks
Celia tries to be nice and take Hilly and the other ladies one of Minnies' chocolate pies. When she arrives they all try to hide and she gets embaressed.
Minnie and Celia talk about why all the women hate her. And she finds out its because Hilly thinks Celia is the reason her and Jonny got divorced.
Minnie tells Aibileen and Skeeter about the terrible awful thing that she did to Hilly. She demands that this be put into the book so that when Hilly reads it she'll know its about her.
Celia talks to Hilly at the auction and tells her that she is not a man stealer.
Hilly wins Minnies' chocolate pie at the auction. But she never signed up to bid on it. She thinks that Celia knows about the poop pie and that they have an evil plan against her, but reality is that Celia doesnt know anything about it. Because Hilly thin
Hillys' mom knew about the poop pie and was actually the one who bought it for her to get back at her for putting her in a nursing home.
Minnie tells Celia about the poop pie.
Skeeter finds out the reason behind Constitine getting fired, she also finds out that Constitine passed away. She writes about this to put into her book.
Skeeter finishes her book and shows it to Minnie and Aibileen.
The Help is now sold in store and everyone in the neighborhood is reading it. Also they are thinking that it is written about them
There is a lot of controversy in the neighborhood. Hilly is threatening Skeeter because of the poop pie story.
Skeeter gets a new job offer in New York but doesn't want to take it cause she feels all this fighting is because of her and her book and she doesnt want to leave the maids there to handle it on her own.
Aibileen gets fired from working at the Leefolts.