The Hatian Revolution

  • Haitian Revolution begins

    The Haitian revolution began when a group of slaves met at Bois-Caaiman
  • Toussaint becomes commander in chief of all French armies in San Domingue

    He was the first African American man in Haiti to have any sort of real power over anybody.
  • A treaty is concluded between Toussaint and British general Maitland

    It proposed a complete British withdrawl from San Domingue. The treaty had a secret rider giving Britain trade rights in the colony, but Toussaint declined that he was the king of Haiti.
  • Toussaint expels Hedouville

    He strarted a rumour that the general has come to restore slavery. When the ex slaves and Toussaint met him at La Cap, Hedouville left for France. Leaving behind an order to overthrow Toussaints athourity. This made it hard for Toussaint to display his loyalty to France.
  • War breaks between Toussaint and Rigaud "The War of Knives"

    Roume and Toussaint claim Riguad a traitor to france so Toussaint gathers an army of 10,000 men at pourt a prince.
  • Toussaint invades the south

    Pursuing the war against the Mulattos, Toussaint invades the south, men give up their guns for knives and teeth. Extentuates race hatred.
  • RIgaud was defeated at Aquin

    Roume and VIncent persuade him to give up the struggle.
  • Toussaint enters Les Cayes

    pronounces general amnesty, but leaves Dessalines in charge of the south. This exterminates about 10,000 Mulatos.
  • Toussaint proclaims a system of forced labor on plantations.

    Under this system, productivity and prosperty returned to the colony. Toussaint began to invite the whites back to control their property because he realized their expertise would help raise their economy.
  • Toussaint claims the Spanish side of Haiti for the French.

  • Toussaint proclaims a constitution for San Domenguia

    This constitution proclaimed him governer for life and allowed him to name is sucsessor.
  • Toussaint proclaims a Military Dictatorship

  • Lelercs invasion begins with 17,000 men in his troops.

    Toussaint had approximately 20,00 men in his troops.
  • Toussaint and Dessalines surrender on similar terms as Christophe

  • Severe outbreak of yellow fever.

    Causes many deaths among French troops.
  • Lenerc orders Toussaints arrest and transport to France.

  • Toussaint and his family are sent to France

    Toussaint writes a letter of protest to Bonaparte while aboard the ship.
  • Toussaint is jailed in France.

  • Many French continue to die from yellow fever.

  • Lelerc dies of yellow fever.

  • Toussaint dies a prisoner

  • San Domingue is completely blockaded by the English.

  • Les Cayes and port a prince fall to the blacks.

  • The French are forced to evacuate their las garrison

    Dessalines promises protection to all whites who choose to remain, following Toussaint's earlier policy. During the first year of his rule he will continue encouraging white planters to return and manage their property and many who trusted Toussaint will do so
  • Declaratian of Haitian Independence