The Haitian Revolution

By ReinaL
  • Saint-Domingue is Officially Handed over to France

    Saint-Domingue is Officially Handed over to France
    Saint-Domingue, the western half of the island of Hispaniola, is officially handed over to the French by the Spanish.
  • Dutty Boukman's Voodoo Ceremony Instigates a Slave Rebellion

    Dutty Boukman's Voodoo Ceremony Instigates a Slave Rebellion
    In August 1791, Dutty Boukman hosts a voodoo ceremony in northern Saint-Domingue that incites a bunch of slave revolts.
  • Oge Executed/Start of Revolutionary Murmurings

    Oge Executed/Start of Revolutionary Murmurings
    From February to July 1791, Vincent Oge was executed, and murmurings of revolution began.
  • Full Citizenship Was Given to Free Men of Color

    Full Citizenship Was Given to Free Men of Color
    In April 1792, a new Legislative Assembly in France gave all free men of color full citizenship.
  • France Begins War Against Great Britain

    France Begins War Against Great Britain
    In February 1793, France entered war with Great Britain who had control over nearby Jamaica.
  • Sonthonax frees Northern Slaves

    Sonthonax frees Northern Slaves
    In August 1793, Sonthonax frees all of the slaves in Northern Saint-Domingue to help fight against the British.
  • National Convention Ratifies Sonthonax's Slave-Freeing Declaration

    National Convention Ratifies Sonthonax's Slave-Freeing Declaration
    In February 1794, the National Convention ratifies Sonthonax's declaration to free all the slaves in Saint-Domingue.
  • Toussaint L'Ouverture Joins Forces with Sonthonax

    Toussaint L'Ouverture Joins Forces with Sonthonax
    In May 1794, Toussaint L'Ouverture decided to join forces with Sonthonax.
  • Toussaint Declares Himself Governor For Life

    Toussaint Declares Himself Governor For Life
    Toussaint L'Ouverture declares himself governor-general of Saint-Domingue for life in 1801.
  • Napoleon Reinstates Slavery

    Napoleon Reinstates Slavery
    In May 1802, Napoleon reinstated slavery where it had not already disappeared.
  • Charles Leclerc Lands in Saint-Domingue

    Charles Leclerc Lands in Saint-Domingue
    In 1802, Charles Leclerc landed in Saint-Domingue to retake it with orders from Napoleon.
  • L'Ouverture Died in a French Prison

    L'Ouverture Died in a French Prison
    In 1803, after Leclerc captured, arrested, and deported L'Ouverture to France, L'Ouverture died in prison.
  • Dessalines Establishes Haiti as an Independent Nation

    Dessalines Establishes Haiti as an Independent Nation
    Dessalines abolishes the colony of Saint-Domingue and restores the original name of Haiti to the island on January 1, 1804.
  • France Officially Recognizes Haiti as a Country

    France Officially Recognizes Haiti as a Country
    In 1825, France officially recognized Haiti as an independent country.
  • The Debt to France is Finally Paid Off

    The Debt to France is Finally Paid Off
    Haiti was forced to pay a debt of 90 million francs to France because of "lost property" that wasn't totally paid off until 1947.