The Haitian Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate assembles in the tennis court at Versailles to write a new constitution. The new constitution causes the Mulattoes and free blacks to pursue representation and equal rights.
  • The Colonial Assembly at Saint Marc

    The Colonial Assembly groups at Saint Marc.  It is formed to combat the French National Assembly's stance on free blacks and mulattoes. The French National Assembly dissolves the Colonial Assembly at Saint Marc, but they refuse to disband.
  • The Oge Rebellion

    The Oge Rebellion
    Vincent Oge gathers mulattoes together in the first attempts to challenge the French and the slave system in Haiti. (
  • The Bois Caïman ceremony

    The Bois Caïman ceremony
    Boukman gathers slaves to preform a ceremony, which serves as a religious ritual and a strategic meeting for conspirators who planning a revolt against the ruling white planters of the colony's wealthy Northern Plain.(
  • Slaves march North

    During the night slaves began burning plantations, and killing the white residence. By by morning there are few to no slaves that have not joined the movement. There numbers swell to around one to two thousand.
  • Colonial Assembly at Saint Marc

    The May 15th decree is recognized as granting citizenship to free blacks and mulattoes, thusly infuriating the whites causing tensions to rise.
  • National Assembly Revokes May 15th Decree

    Causing an all out mulattoes rebellion in the south witch soon joins with the black slave movement. In the west Port-au-Prince is captured by rebels who shut off all access to food and water before being overthrown by french retaliation.
  • Le Cap Burns

    Le Cap one of the first few cities to be burned during the start of the slave revolts.
  • Port-au-Prince Burns

  • Dutty Boukman Killed in Battle

    Dutty Boukman Killed in Battle
    Boukman, the original leader of the revolt dies and leaders of the revolt proceed in a failed attempt to negotiate "improved quality of life on plantations." (
  • Governor Blanchelande Marches

    Governor Blanchelande Marches against the rebel army at Platons, the rebels retreat leaving behind women and children to be captured expecting mercy. In stead the french troops massacred most, and send the rest back to their masters to be killed.
  • Louis XVI Affirms Jacobin Decree

    with this decree free blacks and mulattoes are awarded equal rights.
  • Spain Declares War

    Spain Declares War Against England and France, causing frenzy in the colony of Saint-Domingue.
  • Alliance with the British

    Blacks and mulattoes side with the British once Spain declares war against England and France.
  • The French Republic is Created

    Louis XVI is beheaded in France and leads to the French Republic
  • Le Cap Burns Again

    Le Cap Burns Again
  • Sonthonax issues General Emancipation

    Sonthonax, along with Aihaulm and Polverel are commissioners of St. Domingue and were granted the right to enforce their dominance to put current issues to rest. With this he is able to grant the general emancipation of slaves. -pg 106
  • National Convention Abolishes Slavery

    slavery abolished in areas under French control.
  • British Capture Port-au-Prince

    With this Britain has control of the bottom half of the islands sea ports. With Spain occupying the west.
  • France & Spain Sign Peace Treaty

  • Louverture Appointed Commander-in-Chief

    Louverture Appointed Commander-in-Chief
    French government makes Toussaint L'Ouverture general-in-chief "which in reality was an honorary sanction of the power the had long exercised". -pg 122
  • Sonthonax Returns to France

    Louverture forces him out, and soon the rest of the commissioners defer to him. This is seen by the french as threatening.
  • Treaty with England

    Louverture signs a secret alliance treaty with England and the United States. (
  • Civil War: Louverture vs. Rigaud

    Toussaint wins with the help of the Maitland agreement which has the backing of the United States and Great Britain. Thomas, Logan. 2009. THE SUCCESS OF TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE: DEPENDENCE BY DESIGN. Journal of Haitian Studies 15, (1) (Spring): 125-134, (accessed October 23, 2016).
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Takes Over France

    Once Napoleon takes over France he does not agree with Toussaint and the fact that he has ended slavery as funds were down due to the decrease in production on plantations.
  • Louverture Commander-in-Chief

    Louverture Proclaimed Supreme Commander-in-Chief. He is seen as the most powerful man on the island, his army numbering in the tens of thousands helps to enforce his laws in what is basically becoming a military dictatorship.
  • Santo Domingo Ceded to Louverture

  • Governor General for Life

  • Jefferson Supports Napoleon Bonapart

    this is an attempt to make reassure the french that america is still on there side.
  • Charles Leclerc Heads for Saint-Domingue

    Leclerc is sent by his brother-in-law, Napoleon to St. Dominque to reinstate slavery. pg 25
  • Le Cap Burns for the Third Time

    General Christophe sets fire to Le Cap, burning it to the ground in anticipation of the European troops’ arrival.
  • Battle of Crete-a-Pierrot

    Battle of Crete-a-Pierrot
    The Battle of Crete-a-Pierrot was a major turning point in the revolution. Out numbered, close to seven to one, Dessalines and his troops fight off two French attacks. Dessalines's forces were victorious as they regained control of the Crête-à-Pierrot fort.
  • Treaty of Amiens

    The Treaty of Amiens was sought by Britain, following Austria's peace with France, and Napoleon Bonaparte, wanting a breathing space, agreed.
  • Slavery Reinstated

    Bonaparte re-established Slavery in Martinique, Tobago, & Sainte-Lucie
  • Charles Leclerc Dies

    After Toussaint's capture, LeClerc takes over as General-in-chief to impose a new form of government but falls ill and dies. Rochambeau takes over. pg 178
  • The Lousiana Purchase Treaty Signed

    Napoleon knows that he cannot defend the mouth of the Mississippi river and France against Britain so he sells Louisiana to the United States.
    PURCHASE OF LOUISIANA. 1895. New York Times (1857-1922), Feb 13, 1895. (accessed October 23, 2016).
  • Haitian Flag Created

    Haitian Flag Created
    The first Haitian flag is created at the Archahaye conference. Girard, Philippe R. 2009. BIRTH OF A NATION: THE CREATION OF THE HAITIAN FLAG AND HAITI'S FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY HERITAGE. Journal of Haitian Studies 15, (1) (Spring): 135-150, (accessed October 23, 2016).
  • Rochambeau Surrenders

    Rochambeau Surrenders
    The amount of blacks against the French had been growing quickly and they make Dessalines the general-in-chief who leads them to the Cape and forces Rochambeau to surrender. pg 179
  • Haitian Independence Declared

    Takes place at Gonaives headquarters. Dessalines remains dictator.