The Great War

  • Assassination of Acrhduke

    Archduke and his wife was assassinated in Saravejo by a Serbian man. This assassination sparked the WWI.
  • Austria's declaration of war

    Austria declared of war against Serbia. This was the start of WWI. This declared created a chain reaction into the European countries.
  • Schlieffer Plan

    This was plan of Germany to attack both Russia and France. The plan was- The German soldier would fight in west front and then would go to east front to attack France but they need to cross Belgium. But Belgium was an neutral country. So the Great Britain declared war against Germany to help Belgium.
  • Battle of Limanowa

    This battle was fought 12 days. The Austro-Hungarian high command had assumed that the German success would weaken Russian forces in the north and that the Galician front would remain quiet. Both these assumptions were incorrect.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    The Battle of Marne was fought from 5 September to 12 September 1914. This is the second major clash in Western front. This battle was planed by knowing the German's weak point and advantange of the allies
  • Gallipoli campaign

    This war was the first war that Australia participated in and there were a lot of Australian troops.
  • Battle of Verdum

    The battle of Verdum was the lenghiest and greatest battle of WWI. It lasted from 21 February until 19 December. The battle caused over an estimated 700,000 casualties.
  • Battle of the somme

    This battle which was fought from July until September is significant for many reason. It is almost the mid-point of the war, there was enormous loss of life for little territorial gain, and there were several important consequences on the war and home fronts.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    It was a type of naval warfare in which the submarine sank without any warning. A German submarine hitted a British passengershio. And 128 American citizen was killed. This was one of the reason of USA's joining in WWI.
  • The United States enters war

    The United States joined the war as allied power and declared war against Germany. It was a toatal war for USA. Almost everyone of the country was supporting the war.
  • Russian Revolution

    In 1917, two revolutions swept through Russia, ending centuries of imperial rule and setting in motion political and social changes that would lead to the formation of the Soviet Union. In March, growing civil unrest, coupled with chronic food shortages, erupted into open revolt, forcing the abdication of Nicholas II, the last Russian czar.
  • Second battle of the Marne

    The last major battle was fought by Gemany. They were failed to success their plan and lost the battle to France.
  • Armistice

    The armistice between the Allies and Germany was an agreement that ended the fighting in the First World War. It went into effect at 11 am on 11 November 1918, and marked a victory for the Allies and a complete defeat for Germany, although not technically a surrender.
  • Treaty of versailles

    The official end of WWI. At last, after 4 years destruction, the world became an end.