The Great War

By kiki206
  • assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Kind of was the "last straw" that started the war.
  • Austria-Hungary's declaration of war

    Started a war.
  • The Schlieffen plan

    If this was succesful German forces would've had a better campaign in France.
  • First battle of the Marne

    Stopped the German offense towatd Paris.
  • Battle of Limanowa

    Battle between the Austro-Hungarian Army and the Russian Army
  • Gallipoli campaign

    It was the first war that australia participated in.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Verdun was the site of a French fortress, after that it was wide open road to Paris.
  • The battle of Delville Wood

    Germans held the southern part of the wood they could use it as a base to fire on any British attack east towards Ginchy.
  • unrestricted submarine warfare

    The war demonstrated to the world that submarine warfare could be important to the country's naval.
  • United States enters war

    They were out of the war until the Pearl harbor attack.
  • Russian revolution

    It was the introduction to the world of the Marxist theory.
  • Second battle of the marne

    Germany's final major attempt at breakthrough on the Western Front
  • Armistice Day

    Rememberance of the day the war ended.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Had a huge impact on Germany and played a huge role on the start of WW2